Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation

Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company (“Corporation” after 1927), renamed Kerr Group, Inc, in 1992

Portland, Oregon (1904-1912, offices only)

Los Angeles, CA (1919-1992, offices only)

Kerr Group, Inc.  (1992-1996) 

Businessman and entrepreneur Alexander Hewitt Kerr (September 4, 1862 – February 9, 1925) organized this company in Portland, Oregon in 1903 under the name Hermetic Fruit Jar Company.  The official name was changed in 1904 to Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.  Kerr did not actually manufacture glass during the earliest years,  but was, more accurately, a sales company/distributor during the period from 1904 to 1909 and had jars made for them (with the Kerr name embossing) by other glass companies.

The first jars made for Kerr were evidently the KERRECONOMY brand jars, and that type was made in the earliest years  (c.1903-1909) by Illinois-Pacific Glass Company of San Francisco, and also by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company (based in Washington, PA and later at Wheeling WV) from 1906 to 1909.

On February 15, 1909, Kerr purchased the Altoona Co-Operative Glass Company of Altoona, Kansas (which had recently went bankrupt) and within a month or so KERR brand fruit jars were being produced at that location.


Kerr Glass has had glass manufacturing plants located at:  Altoona, Kansas (from 1909-1912);  Sand Springs, Oklahoma (1912 to 1992);  Huntington, West Virginia (from 1933; this plant closed December 7, 1982 – information from Mike Harmon);  Santa Ana, California (1943-1992);  Plainfield, Illinois (former Hazel-Atlas plant that started production August 16, 1957 – operated 1964-1996 under Kerr);  Dunkirk, Indiana (originally the factory of Hart Glass Mnfg Co. and acquired by Armstrong Cork Co. in 1938, purchased by Kerr in 1968);  Millville, New Jersey (from 1968- see more information on the Millville location at the Whitall Tatum Company page); Wilson, North Carolina (built 1978, acquired by National Can Corporation in 1983),  Maywood, California (acquired in 1983 and included the same year in a group of four Kerr factories acquired by National Can) and Waxahachie, Texas (from 1968 to 1983 when acquired by National Can).

The Kerr company is best known for being producers of several kinds of fruit jars used for home canning. They also produced large quantities of other types of glass containers, especially in later years.
Their most famous and important fruit jar in the early years, as noted above,  was their “Kerr – Economy” jar, made in large quantities at their plants in Altoona, KS and Sand Springs, OK.  Many of the earlier ECONOMY types are marked with the words “KERR GLASS MFG. CO” embossed on the bottom, and in general those jars probably date mostly from about 1904 to circa 1920.

“AHK” mark

The AHK  trademark was first used by Alexander H. Kerr & Company beginning September 9, 1944.  The trademark was officially registered on April 26, 1949.  The mark was used mostly on packer ware (wide mouth jars and jugs for food products) and most of those containers do not bear date codes so it is often difficult to date examples without other clues (such as original product labels).

After about 1969 (perhaps coinciding with the purchase by Kerr of the Whitall Tatum/Armstrong plant at Millville, NJ),  the AHK mark was also used on beverage bottles, which typically DO carry date codes.

Here is a webpage with trademark information on the AHK mark:


Other fruit jars made in later years include their “Self Sealing” Mason,  which was made in huge numbers, in several sizes and a number of different types (embossing variations) including the “wide mouth” varieties.   For anyone learning more about the different Kerr jar types and their market values, I would encourage them to consult the value pricing guide used by most advanced fruit jar collectors: the so-called “RED BOOK” of fruit jars.

Kerr Self-Sealing Mason jar in clear glass, made by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation
Kerr “Self-Sealing” Mason jar in clear glass. This particular variant is marked with the AHK initials on the base and probably dates from the 1970s.

Kerr manufactured a line of jelly glasses over many years, including small glasses (packer jars) that look like drinking glasses, and others that are shaped more like low, rounded custard or dessert bowls.  On some of the earlier ones (not sure about the timeline) a so-called “Angel over crown” logo was marked on the bottom.   Later variants of those types of jars may bear only a mold number, or the brand name “Kerr” in cursive lettering along with a mold number.

"Angel over Crown" logo on base of jelly glass made by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation
“Angel over Crown” logo on base of jelly glass made by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation

The Kerr glass plants were bought by Ball Corporation in 1992.   Ball later left the glass container business altogether, and sold the plants to Saint-Gobain Containers.   S-G’s North American container division later became known as Verallia North America, which was then sold to Ardagh Group in April 2014.    The rights to the “Kerr” brand name, as used on currently-made fruit jars, were acquired by the Alltrista Corporation (a subsidiary of Ball Corporation) which later became known as the Jarden Corporation  (Jarden Home Brands).

Alltrista acquired the assets of Kerr Group, Inc.  in March of 1996, in effect, ending the company name “KERR” as an actual glass manufacturer.  More information on the Alltrista timeline here:      Alltrista Corporation

Update, 2018:  Jarden Home Brands (Hearthmark LLC), a subsidiary of NEWELL BRANDS, continues to sell new glass canning jars with the KERR and BALL brand names embossings.  It is my understanding that many, if not most, of these recent jars made FOR Jarden Home Brands are being made at the Winchester, Indiana plant owned now by Ardagh Group, North America.  (See Ball Bros Glass CompanyAnchor Hocking Glass Corporation, and Ball Perfect Mason).

Also, see the entries on some other fruit jars such as the Wax Sealer style jars,  and Patent November 30th 1858 jars,  and the page on Hazel-Atlas Glass Company.

For an extensive list of glass manufacturers’ marks on bottles, fruit jars, insulators, tableware and other glass items, please click here to go to the Glass Bottle Marks pages (page one).

For more detailed information on Kerr’s Millville, New Jersey glass factory location, (where most of the KERR glass electrical insulators were made), please see my article on Whitall Tatum Company.

Please click here to go to my Home Page.

For much more detailed background information on Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation, their marks  and factory history, please check out this article written by researcher/archaeologist Bill Lockhart with input from Bill Schriever, Bill Lindsey and Carol Serr:


126 thoughts on “Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation”

  1. Hello. My name is Marilyn Keeton. I was making apple butter this morning, and when I went to put the apple butter into the jars, re, one jar – the whole bottom part of the jar fell off in my hand. I was thankful it didn’t cut me. Brand new jar too. Why? What happened? It really unnerved this old lady. I can send you the two pieces if you want. Let me know. [email address and phone number hidden].

    1. Hello Marilyn,

      [Readers, I contacted Marilyn directly through email, but I wanted to post my answer here also, as I’ve had other queries similar to this one over the years. Perhaps this will be of help to others who have complaints about some modern Kerr fruit jars].

      This site is geared toward having glass information and history posted for glass collectors, enthusiasts, researchers, historians and archeologists.
      But just to make it clear, I have no connection whatsoever with the manufacturer of those jars.

      All of the KERR and BALL fruit jars made here in the United States in recent years are made by a corporation that owns dozens of product brand names – that company is NEWELL BRANDS. Newell Brands owns the right to the “KERR” and “BALL” fruit jar brands. (Kerr more or less ceased to exist as a glass company in 1996). The glass jars are being manufactured for Newell Brands by a separate company, Ardagh Group.

      Here is the Newell Brands contact info (current as of 12/2/2024) :
      6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., Atlanta, GA 30328

      The Newell Brands telephone number for customer service:

      I hope this helps ~

      Thank you and best regards,

    1. Hi Vickie,
      Coca Cola bottles made by Kerr are not that common (relatively speaking – compared to other bottle makers such as Owens-Illinois and Chattanooga Glass that produced tremendous quantities over the years), and most of those I’ve seen (online) date from the 1970s and 1980s. They will be marked on the base (usually at the 12:00 Noon position) with one of three different glassmakers’ marks used by Kerr: “Kerr” (in cursive script), “A H K” (Alexander H. Kerr) or “KPP inside an oval” (Kerr Packaging Products division).

      There is usually a date code (such as “72” for 1972 or “86” for 1986 at the “3 O’clock” position on the base of the bottle. The Coke bottles made by Kerr seem to be (mostly) either green glass commemorative soda bottles OR light-weight non-returnable type clear bottles. Hope this helps!

  2. Hi! I have a cursive Kerr regular mouth “SELF SEALING” REC. U.S. PAT. OFF. MASON jar, clear, on the bottom AHK, with some numbers. On the top rim is H54. Is the 54 the year it was produced?

    1. Kathleen,
      I’m afraid I can’t answer that with certainty. I would presume it is a mold number, but I can’t be sure. Many Kerr canning jars did not carry date codes. Can you tell me what the other numbers are on the base, and how they are oriented in relation to the AHK mark?
      Thank you,

  3. Greetings! I am trying to find a chart or images that show the progression of the Kerr logo. I have one for Ball, but can’t find one for Kerr. Do you know of one?

    1. Hi Emily,
      There is no such chart anywhere that I’m aware of. Perhaps a Kerr jar collector will try putting one together? I would add that the “Kerr” name in cursive lettering looks fairly consistent in its general “look” ever since the first Kerr Economy jars were made in the very early 1900s and up to the present. There seems to be a few differences in the first stroke of the “K”.
      There might have been a change in the exact configuration sometime in the last 30 years or so, perhaps from around the time Kerr ceased to be an actual manufacturer and “Kerr” became merely a jar brand name used by other companies who owned the rights to that name.
      But, honestly, I haven’t studied the Kerr jars in depth and have never paid much attention to the logo since it looks so similar from jar to jar.
      Also please bear in mind that (on the older jars especially), the mold engravers who actually cut the lettering into the inside of the iron molds over the years might make the engraving on a particular mold very, very slightly different, since it was a laborious process using small hand-held hammers and chisels. Nowadays the molds for new Kerr jars are made (I believe) with the help of computers and more sophisticated machinery, so each jar mold would have the name appear EXACTLY alike from jar to jar. Hope this helps a bit,

  4. What a fun site to read. I discovered a small 32 page brochure, Recipes for Home Canning Kerr Economy Jar date 1915 of my grandmothers. Says the Economy caps were 20 cents a dozen. Tells about not using rubber rings nor zinc caps. Lots of info on canning. interesting to read

  5. While cleaning out an aunt’s place we came upon some jars. They are Kerr economy wide mouth, short. Can’t seem to find anything on them. Are you able to tell me more about them

  6. I just got 2 cases if your wide mouth Kerr half pint jars and there was a piece broken off the top rim and it cut me. I took pictures of the jar and the lid. It evidently happened in processing as you can see a difference on the rubber rim as well. I have never had anything like this happen before. Not sure I want to buy your jars anymore. An unhappy customer.

    1. Dear Jan,

      I think you have completely misunderstood the purpose of my website. I have no connection at all with the makers of any of the KERR jars, new or old.

      This site is primarily intended for antique and vintage glassware collectors and historians. It is an INFORMATIONAL website for people interested in learning about glassware such as bottles, fruit jars, insulators, tableware, fishing floats etc.
      I have information about those and MANY other different glass companies and factories, and lists of glass marks found on the bottoms of many kinds of bottles and jars, all the way back into the 1800s.

      I have nothing at all to do with the Kerr company or it’s company successors. Kerr Glass doesn’t really exist anymore as a glass company, meaning, the “Kerr” in this instance is now just a brand name of a fruit jar, and the rights to the BALL and KERR brand names are now owned by Jarden Home Brands (Newell Brands) and you might try to contact that corporation about any issues with their products.

      Here is a webpage which is a contact form for writing to Newell about their BALL and KERR brand name jars:

      Best regards, and I hope you have success in contacting them with your concerns.

      Take care, David

      1. David, I just wanted to say that I am very impressed that you would take the time to post this response to Jan Hansen’s comment. You certainly could of ignored her comment as many bloggers do. You’ve restored a bit of my faith in humanity. May you be blessed in your endeavors.

  7. My mother was mentored by Ruth Kerr in the 1950’s if I got the time frame from her correctly. Mrs. Kerr was a Christian business woman ahead of her time. My mother went to church with her and met people in the company in California. After my mother passed in 2014 at the age of 89, I found in her possessions, a Bible with Ruth Kerr’s name handwritten in it! I remember my mother saying that the Kerr company was also one of the first to implement plastics in some part of the company, maybe during WWII. Would like some clarification on that from anybody who worked for the Kerr company as I thought they only worked with glass. Thank you, R. Rockwell

    1. Hi R. Rockwell,
      Thanks a lot for your comments and information! Perhaps someone can comment further with background information regarding your question.
      Take care,

      1. I’m a graduate of Westmont College in Santa Barbara, a Christian college in California which was founded by Ruth Kerr.

    2. I know it’s been a long time since you posted this but my grandfather who is currently living is Alexander Kerr. He is currently in his 80s and has been fighting brain tumors. Would you be willing to contact me regarding the Bible with Ruth Kerr name in it? You can email me at

  8. Two questions: In eastern Oklahoma there is the Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, was he a glass maker?

    My mother grew up in Muskogee, and on a trip to see her mother in the late ’50s, one night we drove past a glass works she called “The Glass Casket Factory”. Was that a Kerr branch?

    In plastic (and I suppose glass) molding mold cavities have letter-number codes so that if one starts to produce frequent defective items it may be quickly repaired without messing with the others.

  9. I lost my job at Kerr Glass, Sand Springs Oklahoma after Ball glass bought it. The representatives told people they would be there for a long time. Told people to buy homes, cars etc. When the furnace was worked on the preacher would come and rededicate it and pray for all the workers. I learned that lots of my co-workers have passed. What a great bunch of guys, and one that wasn’t. My article was put in the Tulsa world newspaper on the opinion page. about their closing.

  10. Hello. My ex father-in-law, Harry C. Johnson Sr. began working at the Kerr glass factory sweeping floors in the 1940 or 50s in Oklahoma. He moved to Santa Ana to continue working for this company. He rose to the level of Assistant Vice President before he retired in 1973 or 75 [can’t quite remember]…. the company gave him a special run of canning jars with his name embossed and a smaller jar with his image as well as the molds used for these. They gave him a jar of pennies filled with molasses …. so he would not spend them too quickly 🙂
    Kerr glass allowed my ex father-in-law to give his family a good life. Kerr glass was important to my ex husband, Harry Jr and his late sister, Bobbie. I remember touring the plant in Santa Ana in 1966 or 67. It was amazing. This very day a huge photo hangs over my ex’s desk of Mrs Kerr and all the VIPs from the 70s. There is an insert of Harry Sr’s portrait. For decades we would never buy any jar made by Ball ………… memories ……… my ex is now 82, in very poor health and nearing the end ….. before his sister died in 2007, they visited the site of the then-closed Santa Ana plant that had been such a huge part of their childhoods. ……. it was sad for them to see. [My ex father-in- law died on the plant grounds – he was meeting with a friend and employee to plan a fishing trip when his heart stopped and he perished on the spot………. long ago]

    1. Hello Martha,
      I really appreciate your posting this info on my site! Very interesting background material. Thank you very much and take care!

      1. Martha,
        I wanted to add just a bit of info to your post. I found a file listing various glass commemorative fruit jars (made by several companies) posted online, it is an Excel data file originally hosted by the site.
        [Edited 4/16/2024] – it’s no longer on that site, but I found an archived version on the Wayback Machine internet archive, here: Excel File – Database of Commemorative Glass Jars
        I think most, if not all, of the information was compiled/posted by Richard Cole.
        The file on Kerr commemorative jars does list a clear jar produced in 1974, with information embossed on the Kerr Self-Sealing jar which reads: “Harry C. Johnson loyal service Jan 7, 1938 to May 1, 1974”.
        I also realized this jar is listed in the “RED BOOK — the Collector’s Guide to Old Fruit Jars” and is listed as a quart jar, Jar #1388-4. (I am using Red Book # 11, and this listing appears on page 222).
        Hope this helps,

    2. Very nice to hear the story of this man. I was touched honestly and if u ever have any of them bottles I sure would love to have them or even look at them. I collect old glass mason jars – I even go to old dump sites to dig them up. I love them.

  11. I have some wide mouth Kerr Economy jars that glow green under a blacklight just like vaseline glass. They’re the old wire bale type with “Kerr Class Mfg Co Chicago ILL” stamped on the bottom.

        1. Linda, I worked for Kerr also. I started their plant in Wilson, NC in 1978. I knew several people from Santa Ana. I was the conferee at our plant at wage negotiations. I knew Wanda Logan who was the union president of the local union in Santa Ana. Also the engineering department was based in that plant and a number of those employees did the machine installation in Wilson.

  12. Does anyone know or have any information about Kerr Glass in Lancaster? My great grandmother worked there and it has really sparked my interest but have not been able to find much. Besides my husband and I went to an antique shop today and I got my first clear glass insulator that is embossed with Armstrong. My dad had a bunch when I was growing up but don’t think we ever had any that had many markings on them. Thanks, Alicia

  13. Hi David, I’m not asking for a price but I would like to know where to get more info on a Kerr “Self Sealing” jar where the word self is spelled SELE. I’ve seen people post about other misspellings but not that one. Anyone ever heard of this before?

    1. Patricia,
      Your jar mold error variant is listed as fruit jar #1384 in the “RED BOOK” used by collectors. I am assuming it is not scarce, but definitely not extremely common either. Other mold errors include jars embossed “SELL” (jar #1382) and “SEAF” (jar #1381) instead of the correct “SELF”.

      Best regards,

  14. Hi – I’ve read through your site and still am not sure how old my jar is. It has Kerr in script lettering, below that “SelfSealing,” and below that Trade Mark Rec in a balloon and Mason at the bottom. On the bottom of the jar around the edge in raised lettering it says: Kerr Glass Mfg. Co. Sand Springs Okla. In the center it says: PAT AU-31 1915. Does 1920’s-30’s sound right? Also, if I leave it out in the sun will it eventually turn that lovely lilac color? Thanks!

    1. Hi Judi, I assume the jar dates from sometime in the late 1910s into the 1920s, possibly 1930s. Hard to be sure on the exact dating of some of these jars. I can’t say if it will turn a light amethyst color. Some jars may contain more manganese in the glass batch, others less. The only way to find out is to leave it out in the sun for several months (somewhere in a sheltered, safe place, where it will not be subject to damage or theft) and see what happens.

  15. Hi David, what an informative, entertaining and enjoyable website! One of the best, if not the best website regarding ‘glass’.

    I’m a newbie and looking forward to more questions and answers.

    I have to say, you seem to be a thoughtful and patient (emphasis on patient) person, please keep up the good work!

      1. Hello, just a note to say that I worked at Kerr Glass, Plainfield, Il. Inspecting bottles and jars for flaws. That was back in 1970 and 71. We made soda bottles, canning jars and pancake syrup bottles. And although I don’t remember making any insulators there, we did have them on display and we did supply glass for the insulators to be made from. People used to bring in glass bottles, jars etc and get paid for it. More for colors and the least for clear. It would be sent to make insulators. Not sure where they sent it. But the jars and bottles we made could not be made with the recycled glass because the customers had strict requirements regarding the color or shade of their bottles and jars. For insulators, they mixed some of the recycled glass of various shades with no problem.

        1. Hi Laura!
          Thank you for your post, and I do appreciate your great information! I would say the recycled glass intended for insulators would have been shipped to their Millville, New Jersey location, since it is my understanding that nearly ALL glass insulators made by Kerr were made at the Millville site (the former Whitall Tatum Company factory) except for a few made at the Dunkirk, Indiana plant in 1978. If you haven’t already, check out my webpage on Whitall Tatum Company (later Armstrong, later Kerr). A lot of the insulators marked “KERR” from the early to mid 1970s are in a grayish or very slightly greenish “off-clear” glass, so that would make sense that a lot of cullet was used to make them, and Kerr wasn’t able to completely “decolorize” the recycled glass to make the insulators totally clear. Thanks again,

          1. You are a hundred percent right on the information on where insulators were manufactured at. When I started up the Kerr plant in NC, several of the other employees were from both Dunkirk and Millville and I remember them telling me about them making insulators.

        2. I also worked for Kerr. In 1978 I left Anchor and went to work at their new plant in Wilson, NC. In 1980 I was a representative at the master contract negotiations and met an individual from Plainfield who was representing their plant. His first name was Clarence and I believe the last name was Parrish.

  16. While cleaning out from under my parents house, I found some Kerr jars that were very different from I have seen!! Some of them the word “Kerr” was Extremely small, and there were a few that were not only small, but the letter “K” was different! The legs on the K did not touch! They left about a 1/8″ gap……. I was able to date a lot of the Ball jars thanks to a chart ~ if it is correct ~ but I haven’t been able to find anything to help me with the others! I found Atlas, some kind of honey jar with a squared pattern all over it, and one Presto quart jar!

    Thank you
    Maryanna I
    Atoka, OK

    1. Maryanna, I’m sorry but I don’t have detailed info on the many,MANY later Kerr jar variations. Some of them will be found listed in the so-called “RED BOOK” price guide used by antique fruit jar collectors. The Presto was made by Illinois Glass Company (and their successor Owens-Illinois Glass CO). Not sure about your “honey jar” but you can email me a pic of it if you wish….email listed on the bottom right hand corner of this site.

  17. Could you please help me date the Kerr Jars I have and see if they are collectible?

    I have 26 qt size Kerr Mason Jars still in the boxes and some have the instruction manuals. On the sidewalls they say Kerr, Self Sealing, Mason. The bottoms have little circular bubble pattern and dead center it has a number, the numbers vary depending on the jar. Box says #505 12 quarts with Bands & Lids, Kerr Regular mason jars with a green and yellow logo on box, for home canning & freezing. On the neck of the bottle where the threads are it says “74H” on all of them. Is that 1974 and “H” is the manufacturing plant or style of jar?

    Message me on facebook and I can show you pics. I imagine these jars aren’t collectible since they appear to be a later run, just wanted confirmation. Thanks.

    1. Hi Jeremy,
      The “collectibility” of the jars would be a matter of opinion, but they all sound like relatively recent clear glass jars that are great for canning. Sometimes the original boxes, if in good condition, are considered just as collectible, if not more, as the jars themselves. I believe you do have some jars from the year 1974.
      Best regards,

  18. I have a lavender economy jar but it doesn’t have a date on it anywhere. The “E” in economy is not the same as others I have seen and there are many air bubbles and shape is not perfectly round. Any idea when this could have been produced?

  19. I found a Kerr jar that is dated 1915 . It’s a self sealing Pat. 8.31 wide mouth. This jar has air bubbles and the bottom has crack marks. The bottom also has a number 7 and 9. Was this jar hand blown?

    1. Hi Ruthanne, all Kerr “Self Sealing” Kerr jars are machine-made. The 1915 date is a patent date (not the date the jar was made) and was marked on many Kerr jars for a long time after 1915. The jars will have vertical mold seams that extend all the way to the top of the jar. That is true of most (not all, but most) machine-made glass containers.
      By the way, many earlier machine-made containers have bubbles in the glass. The bubbles (in themselves) are NOT an indication of whether a jar is handblown or machine-made. But, in general, as time passed the quality of containers has become better and better, and bubbles and other flaws in more modern utilitarian glass are less common. Hope this helps,

  20. I’m having trouble dating an old Kerr Mason jar. Right under the big “Kerr”, it says “SELF SEALING” in small capital letters, followed by a balloon saying “TRADE MARK REG” in even smaller caps. It has seams and a smaller lip than the wide mouth jars. I’ve searched many sites and found two photos that appeared to match. One dated it 1915-1919, which can’t be right because of the seams. Another site dated it 1923-1933. There are no markings on the bottom of the jar at all, except a faint circle which might be a valve mark. Can you help me identify this jar?

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I think your jar also has the word “MASON” underneath the “TRADEMARK REG”, correct? If so, I think that jar variation would be classified as #1379 in the RED BOOK jar price guide used by collectors. That catalog number covers the half pint, pint, quart and half gallon sizes, in both round and square variants. They are typically in clear glass, but occasionally in a very faint green or yellow tint. I cannot say exactly what years that exact type was made, but the earliest jars with the “SELF SEALING” phrase on them were introduced approximately 1915.
      They were made – in MANY slightly different variations – over several decades, at least until the 1960s if not later. I suspect your variant is from sometime in the 1930s-1960s, but I am not sure, and cannot narrow down that range with certainty. (Perhaps a reader who specializes in Kerr jars can give us a better idea of age on the #1379 variations). Red Book #1379 is found with either an unmarked base or the mark “AHK” (AHK mark dates from after c. 1944, but it is possible other jars with no marking on the bottom could be earlier, thus I write “1930s”). They are very common and listed with a RB value of less than a dollar for clear examples, a bit more for the other shades.

      Btw, there is A LOT of misinformation on the web, including articles that are written by “professional writers” who write on MANY subjects, without really having an understanding of what they are writing about. They scan a few articles on a given subject, get the main ideas in a very superficial, sketchy way, then re-hash what they have read and create their own article, submitting it to websites who may post it as part of their library of “informative” articles. The articles may end up being full of errors, generalities and misinformation. Just such an article I just found on “how to date Kerr jars” which was written by someone who, although well-meaning, doesn’t understand jars or how they are made. I suspect it might have been one of the articles you came across while doing research. As far as Kerr jars are concerned, all these jars will have two vertical mold seams from manufacture, so I’m not sure what you meant by “because of the seams”.

      1915-1919 is a date range quoted by some early researchers (Alice Creswick or Dick Roller) concerning the earlier variants of the Self-Sealing jars, as the patent (patent # 1,152,107) was issued on August 31, 1915 to Alexander H. Kerr for that style of preserving jar. I think the patent was in effect for 4 years.
      Also……… the period “1923-1933” is referring to the style of lettering used on certain BALL jars, (especially BALL PERFECT MASONs) and has nothing at all to do with Kerr.
      I hope this helps a little,
      Take care,

      1. I appreciate your time and knowledge in explaining the jar. You are correct, the word MASON is below the TM panel. There is no AHK on the bottom.

        The reason I mentioned the seams is that I had read (maybe in one of those bogus articles?), that machine-made jars with seams first appeared in 1915. I’ve ordered the Red Book , which should help me narrow down the search.

        Thank you for your help and for the great website!

  21. David,
    Thank you so much for this informative website. Thanks to what I learn here, my “junkin’ ” family members think I’m an expert on glass mason jars, when all it is, is that I know where to look for information!
    Again, I thank you!

    1. Roy, I will assume that any jar with that wording (or a similar phrase) was made for decorative use only. It was either sold empty as a drinking mug or a floral vase, or perhaps was sold already filled with dry pasta, beans, colored sand, etc, or contained aromatic wax and was sold as a candle.

    1. Hi Tony,
      Alexander H. Kerr (the owner/president of Kerr Glass) didn’t actually make jars himself at the time of the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, but was having jars made for him by the Illinois-Pacific Glass Company in San Francisco (as well as Hazel-Atlas Glass Company). From information posted on several websites, it appears that the I-P factory itself was miraculously saved from the fire that followed the earthquake, and was not damaged even though the businesses surrounding the area suffered huge losses. Alexander H. Kerr was a devout Christian who believed in paying his tithes no matter what, and believed that God had showed him His mercy and kindness by sparing the factory from destruction.
      Take care,

      1. I just heard the story about how A Kerr was a Christian man and believed God would not let his Jar factory be destroyed. Weeks later when he looked upon the destruction of San Francisco his factory was still standing and not one jar was broken. Amen

      2. Just wanted you to know I just heard the story of A. Kerr – a devout Christian who tithed faithfully – on Inspiration Ministries morning show today. I’m glad you posted this truth.

        1. Having worked for Kerr I am familiar with the history of the family’s religious beliefs. At one time they refused to make beer or liquor bottles.

  22. I have a Kerr regular mouth pint jar that has the phrase “glass top” under the Kerr name and the word Mason underneath. Has anyone come across any of these and know anything about them? I find it very interesting because I’ve never seen anything about them, even if they are fairly recently made.

    1. Hello Katie,

      I just came across at least one “Glass Top” jar as I am liquidating my parents home contents. Like you I could find no information on this specific jar (taking just a sample of each style jar). Have you had any success?


    2. I have the same jar! I have only one, also, and am having difficulty finding information on the jar. I’m cleaning out my great/grandparents’ basement. Lots of treasures and lots of questions!

  23. I have ten vintage jelly jar drinking glasses, diamond design. Three say Kerr with numbers and letters on the bottom. One says KERR with SI, 90, and 5 with what looks like a centipede. One says KERR with SI, 91, and 2. The other KERR says DI (?), 93, and 14 with the centipede. Two glasses also have the quilted diamond design that may be Anchor Hocking. One has the mark with 15, 04, and 9. The other one has the mark Anchor mark with 15, 04, and 23. There are also some marks in the middle of the bottom that I can’t make out, maybe a series of dots? The other five glasses are the diamond design, also. They have numbers and letters. One has SG, 93, and 6. One has 93, BF, 20. One has 93, BF, 3. Some have a mark I can’t make out like a spear and numbers 30 and 5. Any help would be appreciated. I live in Kansas and saw that KERR had a plant in Altoona. I have no idea if that’s where these came from.

    1. Vicki,
      I can’t be of help here because many Kerr (and Anchor Hocking) glass items carry mold numbers and/or letters on the bottom and they do not give us precise information on dates of manufacture.

  24. Hello David,
    I have an “Economy Trademark” light sun purple jar that was (I think) manufactured very imperfect with a dent in the glass on one side and a severely uneven bottom. The bottom is stamped and hard to read, but I made out: Kerr Glass Mfg Co Landore (and there is a) J (It also has a patent date of 18?3). Has a wide mouth with one lip just over a 1/4″ wide (no screw on lid design). Any idea on age and the Landore significance?

    I will try and locate that book you refer to for the many other jars I acquired, but until then, the poor quality on this one has me wondering!

    Thank you for your time,

    1. Flo, the marking on the bottom is “Portland Ore” although sometimes it is very hard to make out. The patent date is June 9, 1903. Those jars would date from sometime after 1903, up to approximately 1912 or soon thereafter. Jars with manufacturing defects are avidly sought by antique jar collectors, so you have a nice piece!

      1. Thank you David. Yes indeed, it’s SO hard to read because there is a dime sized air bubble where the ORT should be! Even more imperfections to this funky jar. Someone was asleep at the line with this one! Curious if you know what the J relates to?

        1. Flo, The “J” would probably be a mold letter.
          Many older bottles and jars have bubbles and other flaws in them. This was typical of a lot of earlier utilitarian glass where they were “cranking them out” at the factory as fast as possible. The level of quality control was less stringent, and glass manufacturing methods were less sophisticated than in later years.
          Best regards, David

  25. David, I have two Kerr “economy” jars that are dated on the bottom with what appears to be June 1903 on both. The say KERR GLASS MFGCO,SAND SPRINGS OKLA around the perimeter of the bottom and then 9PAT JUNE 9 1903 in the middle on the bottom. The tops of these jars are not threaded but rather have one continuous rib just below the rim. Everything I read is saying that 1904 is the earliest Kerr jars were produced. Just wondering if you knew if those dates were possible and any other info.

    1. Ryan, the June 9 1903 date is a PATENT date and doesn’t mean a jar was actually made in 1903. Patent dates were marked on items partly as “marketing hype” and for “bragging rights” and in some cases were marked on the jars over a period of many years. In the case of your particular jar, it dates sometime after 1912, as that is the year in which the business office and manufacturing plant was established at Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

      1. I also have The jar described above, as well as several other Kerr wide mouth Economy & Self Sealing jars from the general era. The current wide mouth lids/bands are too big for the jars. Any idea what kind of lid might fit? Or were they just designed for sealing with wax?

      2. I am very impressed with your knowledge. I am the last of 4 generations of women in my family that worked at Kerr Glass, Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I remember the day we closed and I remember the stories from my Grandmother and Great Grandmother about the day it opened. It was a sad day for the entire area. A huge economic hit for Sand Springs. Everyone in town had a family member that worked at Kerr. In my case, there were few family members that did not.

        1. Hello Pam,
          Thank you for your kind words! At this site I’ve strived to gather the best information I can find on many glass companies, so the “knowledge” here is less my own, and more of an accumulation of info from a variety of sources including books, web articles and other sources. Your post is very interesting, and I appreciate you reaching out to share with others here on the site.

          Unfortunately, it seems this type of sad economic scenario has happened in quite a few “glass towns” around the country, especially over the last several decades, with many people ending up without a job after working in the glass industry for many years. On the “upside” (if we can say there is an upside), many of the products of Kerr and other glass companies are still out there, at yard sales, flea markets, antique stores, etc, for collectors to search for, appreciate and research. Thanks again for your post!

  26. David, Im trying to date my jar. It says Kerr and Economy on the side. Circling the bottom it says, “Kerr Glass Mfg. Co., Sand Springs Okla” and a number 1. The word “patented” in the center of the bottom. From what years were canning jars made in Sand Springs?? Thank you for any information you have to share.

    1. Hi Loretta,
      From research it seems the manufacture of glass at the Sand Springs, Oklahoma plant started approximately 1912 and after many decades of production, glassmaking ceased there in 1992 (by then, the former Kerr plant was owned by Ball).

      Your particular jar is only one of many slightly different types made with the “Sand Springs” marking on them. According to “The Fruit Jar Works, Volume 2” (Alice Creswick, 1992, page 71), your particular jar may date between about 1915 and 1919.
      However, those dates are only approximate, and some “Sand Springs” marked types were probably made by Kerr into the 1940s or 1950s according to Dick Roller in his book on fruit jars.

      [Edited 4/16/2024]. The URL for a webpage with info on the Sand Springs plant, that I included in my original answer in August, 2016, is now “dead” as the page has apparently been removed.
      In any case, here is a different webpage with a general overview of glass manufacturing plants in the state of Oklahoma:


  27. I have a sealed box of 1 dozen 1/2 pt Kerr Squat Jelly Glasses, they do not have lids due to the WAR (which one I am not sure). The box has a note: METAL IS NEEDED FOR WAR
    The War Production Board Will Not Permit Metal For Jelly Lids. These Jelly Glasses packed without lids. HELP WIN THE WAR!
    They were boxed at the Sand Springs Oklahoma Plant.. Have any clue on what War that was?

  28. I have Kerr jars number 22 number 11 number 26 number 15 and number 13…. How would one go about finding out what years these are from and a possible value if any at all?

    1. Bryan, the numbers are mold numbers and mean nothing as far as age. Most of the relatively recent, common Kerr jars have value as practical jars for canning, but are not worth above and beyond that as “collectible” glassware. My site is not meant to be an appraisal site, so please check values by studying COMPLETED AUCTIONS on ebay.

  29. Going through a bunch of jars that came with the house when I bought it, most of them seem to be from the mid-70’s, but one of the odd-ball jars I’ve been trying to find information on might be older… Reading other comments, the number in the threads of the jar might indicate 1945? There’s an A, big space, then 45 in the threads. The side says Kerr, Self Sealing without quotes, Trade Mark Rec in a box connected to “Self Sealing” with a line, and WIDE MOUTH MASON in bold print at the bottom. The bottom of the jar itself has a rough pattern, AHK, and only the number 1. Just wondering if this jar came from the first mould, maybe making it worth something? Any ideas anyone?

    1. Jesse, I can’t say with certainty when the jar was made, but it might be from 1945. The mold number “1” doesn’t mean it was from the “first mold” used. The mold numbers identified molds being used as a series (group) such as numbers 1 through 12, or 1 through 10. All of the molds within a particular set of identical molds (for instance numbered from 1 to 10) were installed on a machine and all of those were producing bottles or jars at the same time during the operation of the machine. There would be no increased value just because a particular jar bears the mold number “1” instead of “6”, or another number for that matter. Hope this makes sense.

  30. There might be two other plants not in the above list, Maywood (California) and Wilson (North Carolina):

    “In September 1983, the [Kerr] company sold off four of its glass manufacturing facilities, located at Millville, New Jersey; Maywood, California; Waxahatchie, Texas; and Wilson, North Carolina, to National Can Corp.” Funding Universe. Kerr Group Inc. History. Accessed June 2016 at

  31. Can you tell me about the angel and crown embossing I have seen 3 variations and hoped it might help date the jar.

    1. Albert, I have no specific info on the “ANGEL & CROWN” graphic design used by Kerr. I can only say that it was used for a long period of time, and there are many very slight variations in the exact “look” of the drawing, since the engraving was done painstakingly (by hand) on the inside of the molds used to make the jars.

  32. Hello, love the answers given and thought I’d ask a question. I have two Kerr bowls, about 3 1/2 inch in size. On the first the bottom has a boxed number 5, Kerr in a odd shape box and then the number 112 in another box.
    The second bowl has no boxes what so ever on the bottom. Only numbers = 27 Kerr 555, but it looks like someone squiggled something like a signature or name or something but it is small.
    Any info you can give me would be valuable.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Judy,
      I believe you are describing jelly cups or “jelly glasses” which were made by Kerr for home canning (making homemade jelly and jam). They are sometimes misidentified as custard cups, pudding cups, sherbet bowls or dessert dishes. I cannot tell you exactly how old they are, or how long the general “type’ was manufactured, but I can say from personal memory that we (my parents, to be more exact) bought some of similar type during the 1970s or 1980s. You might try searching ebay with various keywords to find similar jelly glasses on that site. I hope this will be of help.

      1. Thanks so much David! I, too, have several jelly cups with Kerr 112 on the bottom. I’ve tried to find lids for them but they are a very strange measurement and the wide mouth lids are just a fraction too small. Any suggestions?

        1. Hi Donna,
          I have heard of other people trying to find lids to fit these cups, and having trouble finding them. I’m not sure what to do, but the only suggestion I can think of “off the top of my head” is this: There is a Facebook discussion group called “Jelly Jammers”, and although the members are primarily collectors of antique jelly jars / glasses, it might be worth a try to join the group and ask if anyone would have some spare older lids that would fit your Kerr jelly cups. Or maybe someone there would have ideas on where to get them.

          1. Thanks so much David! I’m actually thinking that they used a full lid rather than band and lid. I did manage to find some photos of what they should look like and that’s what it seems to be. If that’s the case, it’s probably not going to be an easy job finding them. People are less likely to keep lids like those. Thanks so much for the Facebook suggestion. I’ll dig around there and see what the consensus is and post it here.

    2. I have found photos of the Kerr 112 lid here on ebay (link valid as of Sept 2018). [ebay item has expired, link removed].

      The lids were, it appears, tin, one piece lids.

      Another ebay link shows that they also came in red.

      There’s no way to capture the images here in this wordpress comment box, so I have no way of capturing the images for posterity here in this thread after those ebay links have gone “bad”.

      1. Hi Randal,
        Thanks for the links. I am assuming the “Kerr 112” style jelly glasses were made for quite some time, since some of them have the “Angel & Crown” graphic embossed on the bottom, but others do not. I actually have a similar jar with a red-painted lid (exactly as shown in the ebay second ebay listing you linked to) and I remember when my mother bought a case of them (12?) in about 1973. I had saved an example of that jar just to keep stuff in, such as buttons. The lid is not a screw-type lid (it just “fits straight down” over the jar with no twisting. I can’t remember if there was another part such as a screw band that went with it to keep it in place(?) The base of this particular jar only has mold number (5) on the base.
        I would guess there were minor variations in the side ribbing and base markings over the years. I plan to eventually insert a picture of this jar and lid on my Kerr page, so it can serve as a representative picture that won’t be “lost”.
        Thanks for your post!

  33. I have a mason jar that has ahk 24 505 on the bottom of it. On the neck of the jar it says s6 47 and is similar to one i found that had ahk 31 505 on the bottom and s8 47 onthe neck which was made in between 1915_1920. So the one i have was it made before?

    1. Hi Tim,
      I have the “AHK” mark listed on “Page One” of the Glass Manufacturers Marks pages Here. The “AHK” mark was used by Kerr beginning in 1944, and was used mostly, if not entirely, on “packer jars” and product jars (meaning, they were sold to companies who used them to package their products and sold them at retail) instead of fruit jars or canning jars sold empty for home use. A lot of the AHK jars were saved by consumers and re-used for canning or storing.
      “AHK” is also seen on the bottom of lots of other types of glass bottles and jars. The other numbers you see on the bottom are mold numbers, or bottle design, inventory or style numbers, and perhaps plant codes, and I don’t know the exact interpretation of the numbers you describe. However, we can be sure the “A H K” mark dates any jar to sometime between 1944 and 1992. Best regards,

  34. Hey there! I have over 30 jars that I acquired from a hoarders house we remodeled and am trying to date them..I have a Kerr jar that says Chicago, Ill. on the bottom but am not able to find any info on the Chicago plant..any ideas on the era of this jar? Thank you!

    1. Hi Erika,
      According to information published in “The Fruit Jar Works, Volume II” by Alice Creswick (1987), on page 159, Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company had business offices in Chicago (but not an actual glass plant located there, only offices) in the “circa 1912-1915” time period. Not sure how or where she got her info, but the time period is only approximate, and since jar molds were used sometimes for several years before wearing out and being replaced, I would guess your jar dates from sometime in the 1912-1920 timeframe.
      Hope this helps,

  35. I have a small Kerr mason the numbers, on the bottom, 22 centered and 501 below? In the center it has Kerr and underneath that, underlined and in quotations Self Sealing. Underneath that it says Mason. The lid says Kerr. Thank you.

  36. I have some purple Kerr jars and on the bottom it says Portland, Ore. Does this mean these jars were made in Portland? What can you tell me about their age?

    1. Hi Debbie,
      The Portland location was where Kerr business offices were located from 1904 to 1912. (Information from page 159 of “The Fruit Jar Works, Volume II” by Alice Creswick, 1987). Although some jars are base-marked with that city name, they were actually made at other locations, which are listed in my text on this page. The jars with the Portland embossing presumably were made sometime between 1904 and 1912. Also, your jars were originally clear when made, and depending on the shade of color, they are either “sun-purpled” (a pale lavender/purple color from being exposed to sunlight, called SCA — sun-colored-amethyst) or, if a very dark purple, they have been artificially “irradiated” or “nuked”.
      Best regards, David

  37. One hundred years ago on August 31, 1915 the patent was granted for Kerr Wide Mouth Mason Jars and Kerr Mason Jars “self sealing brand”.

      1. I have one that has this date stamped on the bottom of it in almost perfect condition.. It is amazing it has survived 100 years!!

  38. Tyro, KS was the 1st plant, Altoona, KS was the 2nd plant, they both moved by wagon and set up new plant along the Arkansas River at Sand Springs, Oklahoma. 1 and 2 began making chimney glass, once arrived in Sand Springs chimney glass & “TIG” only 3,000 made for a local star company was telegraph insulators very short time, then the plant began glass jars. (Chimney Glass is known as Glass Lanterns for households , railroad uses). My sources are my family members from working at AHK ssok I have research back to 1902 Kansas/ ssok. Family photo of all 3 locations ldp

    1. Dwayne, thanks for your information, which I will post here. I have also found some information from an early reference book “History of Oklahoma”, by Joseph B. Thoburn, published in 1916, which includes a note about the Tyro, Kansas firm which was, as far as I understand, strictly speaking not a Kerr plant, but was started by someone (Charles H. Hubbard) who was *later* involved with the Kerr plants at Altoona, KS and Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

      Quoting: “At the expiration of the period noted above Mr. [Charles H.] Hubbard initiated his association with glass manufacturing by assuming the dual office of secretary and treasurer of the American Lamp Glass Company in the City of Evansville Indiana. After holding this position about two years he removed to Peru, Chautauqua County, Kansas, where he held a like position with the Swartz Glass Company this association continuing about three years. In 1909 Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Joseph C Kelly established a glass factory at Tyro, Kansas and at the same time he became assistant manager of the Kerr Glass Company at Altoona, that state, but still retaining his position as business manager of the factory at Tyro in which he was interested.
      In 1913 Mr. Hubbard came to Oklahoma and in company with his former partner, Mr. Kelly, erected at Sand Springs a glass factory, the same being placed in operation under the firm name of Kelly & Hubbard. Later, Alexander H. Kerr and A. W. Kerr of the Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company became interested in the enterprise and the firm name was changed to Kerr, Hubbard & Kelly. Under the vigorous and well-ordered control of these progressive business men the enterprise has been developed to large and substantial proportions and constitutes a valuable addition to the industrial activities of Oklahoma. In connection with his own interests in the Kelly-Hubbard Glass Company, Mr. Hubbard was also manager for the Alexander H Kerr & Company Glass Factory which was moved from Altoona Kansas to Sand Springs about the same time the Kelly-Hubbard factory was established. The Alexander H. Kerr & Company manufacture the ‘Kerr Economy’ Fruit Jars, also the ‘Kerr Self Sealing Mason Jars’, the only fruit jars in the world that seal without a rubber ring. They also manufacture jelly glasses.”

  39. To whom it may concern in your company; I purchase your canning jars, but I would like to bring to your attention a small problem I have encountered. When I purchase a new box of jars and unscrew the band on the jar, the pressure that has built up inside the jar acts as a propellant and causes the screw band and the flat to explode and shoot across the room. I have not yet been injured by said flying band and flat, but it terrifies me to attempt to unscrew the band. I suppose this pressure in the jar builds as the hot jar coming off the manufacturing belt is immediately capped with the flat and band. I wonder if you can try to find a solution to this problem. Thanks, A. Hatt

    1. Hi Arlou,
      I believe you are under the mistaken impression that my website is connected with the makers of Kerr jars. Not so. This webpage on Kerr is merely an informational page for collectors of glass, especially antique and vintage glassware. I have NO CONNECTION whatsoever with Jarden Home Brands, which (as of 2012) were the distibutors/sellers of modern fruit jars marked “KERR”. (Please read the text of my article. “Kerr” jars are no longer made by Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company). You should try contacting Jarden with your concerns about the jars. An internet search should bring up their website, or some way to contact them directly. I hope this will help.
      Best regards,

    2. Putting the bands on the jars when hot would do the opposite of what you describe. Hot air is less dense, so in fact, would create a lower pressure area inside the jar. The lid would be held down, not exploding off of the jar. Were the jars stored somewhere very cold for a while? And then brought into a warm room? Or, another possibility is are you at a high altitude? That would explain what you just described. In both cases, the air inside the jars would be expandingand putting pressure on the lids to match the surounding air pressure.

      1. What would moving your residence & canned food from one altitude to another do? Lets say like moving from 1000ft to 6000ft or vice versa. Like moving from Portland, Oregon to Denver, Colorado.

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