The Hazel Glass Company, Washington, PA, in business since 1887, and Atlas Glass Company, also of Washington, PA (dating from 1896) merged to form the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, Wheeling, WV, in 1902.
Hazel-Atlas eventually grew to become one of the largest glass manufacturing firms in the world, (within the United States, probably second in place behind Owens-Illinois Glass Company) with 14 glass plants operating simultaneously. Plants were located at Washington, PA (two plants), Wheeling, WV; Clarksburg, WV; Zanesville, OH (2 plants); Grafton, WV; Ada, OK; Pomona, CA; Blackwell, OK; Lancaster, NY; Oakland, CA; Montgomery, AL; and Plainfield, IL.

In 1957, Hazel-Atlas became a division of the Continental Can Company. The Hazel-Atlas mark continued to be used, at least on some percentage of their glass products, until approximately 1964, when Continental sold all of the glass plants (except the facility at Plainfield, Illinois) to Brockway Glass Company. The Plainfield plant was later sold to A. H. Kerr Glass Company. (In my own opinion, it is likely, or at least very possible, that the “H over A” mark continued to appear on some containers produced after 1964, since a very large number of molds were then in use, and it would have been a considerable endeavor just to make minor re-tooling changes on all of those molds to erase or replace the maker’s mark.)

Tremendous numbers of white “Boyd” milk glass liners (the miniature round glass “saucers” or discs that fit inside zinc screw-threaded lids, made for Mason-style fruit jars) were produced, as well as canning jars (fruit jars) including the ATLAS jars for general household use; “packer ware” (generic containers for a multitude of common food products such as mayonnaise, spaghetti sauce, mustard, jams and jellies, coffee, peanut butter, applesauce, etc, as well as non-food items like cosmetics, salves, medicines, chemical liquids), as well as a wide variety of other containers for products of every description.

Hazel-Atlas’ well-known makers’ mark consists of a large capital letter “H” with a smaller capital “A” positioned underneath the H, appearing somewhat like a small step-stool or bench situated underneath a table. NOTE: this mark is frequently confused with the trademark used by the Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation. I have noticed items listed for sale by dealers and sellers at antique malls, flea markets (and other venues such as ebay) with labels indicating Anchor Hocking. Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation used an “Anchor logo superimposed over an H” or an “Anchor inside a rectangle”.
The “H over smaller A” mark is stated to have been used beginning in 1923, according to patent/trademark information published in “400 Trademarks on Glass” (1968) by Arthur G. Peterson, page 49. The Hazel-Atlas mark sometimes varies slightly in exact appearance, especially on small bottles where there was little room to engrave the mark into the mold, but in general it is easily recognizable on the majority of glass items. However, on some earlier containers, such as some of their fruit jars, the mark on the bottom may be faint or poorly embossed, and almost unrecognizable even to collectors who are familiar with Hazel-Atlas.

The “H over a smaller A” is probably the second most-commonly seen manufacturer’s mark on glass containers found in typical bottle dumps / trash deposits of the early 1920s to the late 1950s or very early 1960s period, behind the ubiquitous Owens-Illinois mark (i.e. the Diamond and oval superimposed with an I in the center).

Other marks often seen on container glassware found along with Hazel-Atlas products (especially from 1920s-era dumps) include the “I in a diamond” from Illinois Glass Company, the “O in a square” mark used by Owens Bottle Company and the “Capstan” mark used by Capstan Glass Company.
Chart of Hazel Atlas Glass Co. codes as seen on bases of H-A bottles and jars: Many of the Hazel-Atlas containers I’ve seen do not conform exactly to this chart, but this might be of some help in interpreting the markings on the base of some of their jars and bottles. This chart has been posted on the internet for many years, and the exact time and source of its original publication is uncertain, although it appears to date from about 1959-1960, evidently put out by Hazel-Atlas. It might have been a flyer or information sheet included in a salesman’s catalog literature? This chart was formerly posted on the site hosted by the Midwest Antique Fruit Jar and Bottle Club.

Hazel Atlas produced huge quantities of Depression glass tableware in the 1920s, 1930s and ’40s, most commonly in the typical “Depression era” transparent glass colors of light green, clear (“crystal”), pink and yellow (actually a light yellow leaning toward yellow-amber or topaz). Their green Depression era glass contains uranium, so pieces will glow under a black light. (See my page on Uranium Glass here). Some patterns were also made in cobalt blue and, in a few cases, amethyst. Most of the items in these pattern glass sets were not marked, but are fairly well known and recognized by collectors who specialize in studying tableware patterns of that era. The patterns made include Aurora, Cloverleaf, Florentine No. 1 (Poppy No. 1), Florentine No. 2 (Poppy No. 2), Modernistic (Colonial Block), Ovide (New Century), Newport (Hairpin), Roxana, and Royal Lace. Most of these were made during the early and mid 1930s. (See What is Depression Glass?).
In 1936, Hazel-Atlas introduced a type of glass called Platonite, which looks very much like ordinary milk glass but has a more “translucent” or “almost-see-through” quality. Platonite ware was surface-colored by a “fired-on” process, and many shades of color are seen in this type of ware, including yellow, pink, pastel green, light and dark blue, aquamarine, chartreuse, salmon, rust, orange, red, brown, beige and others.
Ovide is probably the most commonly found pattern, and quite a number of colors are found in that pattern alone. Ovide is a “plain” pattern, first introduced in transparent green glass during the early 1920s. The pattern was eventually produced in many of the Platonite colors throughout the 1940s and 1950s. The yellow Ovide creamer shown is marked with the “H over A” trademark on the base.

Hazel-Atlas also produced a wide line of “Swanky Swigs”, ACL (applied color label) decorated peanut butter and cold pack cheese packer ware containers over many years, primarily during the 1940s and 1950s. The original Swanky Swigs glasses were made for KRAFT brand food products. These glasses would now be assumed by the average antique mall browser (if they’re not already familiar with them) to have been intended as small “juice glasses” or beverage tumblers. A variety of designs were made, many of them depicting colorful floral motifs or “kiddie” themes such as cute animals.
For the definitive Hazel-Atlas Glass Company collectors site, try checking out this link: .
Here’s a website with information on their “Hazelware”. This particular page gives an outline of the basic history of that line of tableware made at the Clarksburg, West Virginia factory:
More background information on Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, especially in relation to their bottle and fruit jar production and markings used, is presented here – check out this PDF file article by Bill Lockhart et al:
Here is a link to a Facebook discussion group devoted to sharing information and photos of Hazel Atlas glassware:
Please click here to return to the Glass Bottle Marks pages.
Click here to go to my Home Page.
Check out my summary page on so-called “Beach Glass”. Many old Hazel-Atlas bottle and jar bases may be found among beach glass. Sea Glass/ Beach Glass.
Click here to see my page on Artificially Purpled / Altered Glass.
Some other pages on this site that might be of interest to collectors of vintage and antique tableware:
Uranium Glass (including Vaseline Glass and green Depression glass).
Early American Pattern Glass (EAPG)
Hello Hazel-Atlas Glass collectors and enthusiasts,
Are you familiar with the history of the H-A Glass Co? We are looking for an individual in CA that is knowledgeable about the company and the products it manufactured in the 1920’s-1950’s. We are the Contra Costa County Historical Society in Northern California.
The Hazel-Atlas Silica Mine is located in Contra Costa County and mined silica sand for the production of H-A glass products in the Oakland, CA plant from the 1920’s to the 1950’s. We’d like to feature the Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. and the silica sand mining industry at our upcoming Annual Membership Meeting on January 27, 2024.
Our local experts at the Black Diamond Mines Preserve are not available on the 27th, hence our search for other knowledgeable individuals. If you know someone that can speak to a group about this topic, please contact Tara Weber w/ CCCHS at Or call 925-229-1042 Tue-Thur.
Thank you! And a special thank you to David for allowing us to post on this terrific site.
Thank you Tara! Glad to help with your endeavor.
Best regards,
I found a wine bottle with a very faint embossed maker’s mark that looks just like the H positioned over the A. It’s a clear bottle with the cap attached – aluminum, embossed with “100% Pure Grape Wine”. The base has no stippling and is embossed with “United Vintners, Inc.” at the top and “Refilling Prohibited” at the bottom. The logo, very faint, is in the center, to the right are the numbers 2-27, to the left is the number 0 (or an O). Side seams on the bottle do not match up with side seams from the neck rings up, which go all the way to the top. Bottle side seams are very pronounced/uneven. The bottom/heel is embossed with “4/5 quart 27 4/5 quart” So the number 27 appears on both the base and the heel. Do you think it’s from 1927? I can’t find anything online about dating aluminum caps on wine bottles but it seems like a fairly modern invention.
Hi Rob,
I don’t believe it would be from 1927. Many Hazel-Atlas containers bear mold and style numbers on the bottom, but typically not date code numbers. I’m afraid I can’t interpret the “27” with certainty, but it may be a mold number.
Thanks for your post,
I recently came across a Turquoise Spaghetti String Drizzle Lazy Susan. Do you now what year(s) it was produced?
Not sure where to put this…do you have any information on Swayzee Glass jars?
Hi Tammy,
Please check out my “SGCO(in monogram)” and “Swayzee Improved Mason” entries on this page: .
Also, for more detailed background information on Swayzee, see author/researcher/archeologist Bill Lockhart’s article here (written by Lockhart with additional info from Peter Schultz, Beau Schriever, Bill Lindsey, Carol Serr) :
Upon careful reading of the article by Lockhart, you may notice there is some disagreement on the most likely user of the “S G CO in a monogram” mark, as seen on the “Mason’s Patent Nov 30TH 1858” style jars. Lockhart tends to believe Safe Glass is the most likely company that produced them; I believe Swayzee is the most likely manufacturer. This question will be open for continued debate until proof is found to clinch the ID – one way or another! This may, or may not, ever happen!
Best regards,
I found an 2 old shot glasses belonging to my grandfather after he passed away. He lived from 1875-1962. I found info on one of them that tells me it was made from 1899-1917 and came free with two bottles of Rieger Whiskey. I believe the other one may have been obtained the same way. It has the HA symbol on the bottom with the letter S2 then two more smaller numbers one above the other a 7 over a 2. Could you direct me to a site where I could find out more info. on this glass. Thank you
Hello, I have a bottle, it has a 6 then the H over the A then PATT on the bottom. It also has rounded edges and they kinda have a pattern like candy canes do on the rounded edges.
Good Evening, I recently found several mason jars in a barn that is on my property and the Ball, Kerr and Presto have the ages identified but the Hazel- Atlas mason pint jar is the problem. I tried to date it as well but the markings on the bottom kinda throw me off. It looks like this:
A. 3
Any ideas as to the markings?
I appreciate the help!!!!
Hi James,
I believe that a lot of the Hazel Atlas glass production did not make use of date codes. To be honest with you, I don’t know what the date range would be on your jar. The “K” is probably a plant location code. I could make a guess on age (circa 1930s-1950s) but cannot narrow that down for you.
Take care,
Thank you sir, I appreciate your help!!! That’s what I kept running into, that they used a different stamp on the bottom. Front of the jar is clearly stamped Hazel-Atlas Mason but the bottom doesn’t fit. Possibly made before they used the H over A. I am giving all of the jars I found to the grandkids of the folks that lived there. Thanks again and have a great day!!!
Hello, looking for some quick info on a jar I just thrifted. It’s clear it’s a genuine “Atlas, e-z seal”, there’s a seam, but I’m assuming it’s an older one because the jar just has “atlas” Instead of “hazel atlas”. It is also clear. Thanks so much!
David, thank you so very much for your prompt and thorough response. Truly appreciate it. This is the first bottle I have found and I will never look at bottles the same way 🙂
Hello David, We recently purchased a home that was built in 1909. As we were cleaning the basement, we found a bottle with a label that is torn. However, we believe that it’s a Del Haven Pancake and Waffle Syrup container. As I’ve been doing some research I learned that it has a design patent code 90934. The image has the same style of bottle with the exception of the handle. It states that the inventor is John S. Algeo. The one on the page is actually a jar and it states that it was filed on Sept 5, 1933. Do you think this year also applies to the bottle I found since they have the same number but they’re not quite the same? Also, the date is when it was filed not necessarily when it was made. How can I know when it was made?
The bottle does have the H over A stamp. Across from the H over A is the number 2 and at the bottom is O-4672. I believe this means that it was made at the Oakland plant. I don’t know what the 2 stands for nor the 4672. I believe one of these is a mold number. Can you shed light to my questions? Thank you so very much!
Hi Maria,
It is frequently the case that a patent drawing does not EXACTLY match the actual object in hand. This was common with many types of design patents. I’m not sure about that particular patent but it was typical for a patent to last 14 years. But your bottle was most likely made within a few years after 1933. I can’t narrow down the date to a specific year. The “4672” would be an identification or catalog number used by Hazel-Atlas that was assigned to that particular mold style. On the chart here: the number is called the “item number”. Yes, the “O” likely stands for the Oakland glass plant. The “2” is a mold number. Likely at least 6 or more identical molds were used (on the automatic bottle machine) to manufacture that type of pancake syrup bottle. They were numbered on the inside of the mold, and in your case the bottle was made from mold number “2”. Hope this helps!
I have 12 transparent blue luncheon plates (8″) that look a lot like Hazel Atlas Moderntone Cobalt Blue design. There is NO characteristic H A trademark on these plates but each one has a different tiny raised number on the bottom. Each plate has a different number from the single digits to the 20s…Is this something characteristic of vintage Hazel Glass? I have read quite a few of your answers and did not see where this has been addressed. Thanks so much! Susan C
Hi Susan ~
To be honest with you, I can’t claim to be an “expert” on Hazel Atlas tableware, but here is my take. I am under the impression that much of the glassware (as in pressed tableware) made by Hazel-Atlas was not marked, especially the earlier patterns made during the Depression era. They DID mark much of their bottles, fruit jars, packer ware and other utilitarian containers. So I cannot say with certainty whether or not your plates were made by Hazel Atlas. The numbers you see on the bottoms of the plates are mold numbers.
But I have posted your question here, and maybe someone who is more knowledgeable about your plates will chime in with better info for us. Thanks for writing!
My father in law gifted me with his mother’s blue glassware sets. When I looked them up online, I see many of the pieces selling as Hazel Atlas glass. But mine do not have the standard HA mark on the bottom as I have read about in this article. Does all Hazel Atlas have that mark? I heard that much of the products was unmarked?
Hi Monica,
Most of the earlier tableware made by Hazel-Atlas Glass Company (usually lumped together under the term “Depression Glass”) in the 1920s and 1930s was NOT marked at all. They are known to have been made by H-A simply by their pattern names. You may be able to identify some or most of those patterns by consulting books on Depression Glass, such as the books by Gene Florence and Hazel Marie Weatherman. Hazel-Atlas marked MUCH more of their container glassware (which was often thrown away after one use) than they did of their tableware for long-continued home use, which is somewhat ironic. As time went on, however, they did start marking more of their pattern tableware made in the 1940s and 1950s.
The ring kept the top on. The lids were made in two parts.
I was recently gifted an Atlas Mason jar however it has a metal ring around it that I am not sure what the use was or if it even belongs on it. Would love to find out more of info.
I found a hazel atlas pint jar. It has the big H and small A. It has a item number 5158 on it and a number 5 under the H A. The glass lid had a metal fastener that is not wire. It is like a clamp style lever action. No other marks on it. Looking for any information. Thanks Barbara
Yes,I have one but can’t seem to find any information on it either.
Hello, I found two gallon size jars at an old whiskey still site in the GA mountains. The whiskey stills had been destroyed by what looks like axes and dynamite. The jars have markings on the bottom with the letter H and a capital letter A inside the lower half of the H which I determined to be Hazel Atlas. There are also some numbers below the H/A 6592 and under that is the number 5 on one and number 10 under the other. The jars are clear glass around the barrel with the bottom 2 inches and the top 4 inches being a rough textured semi clear glass. Each jar does have the seam that runs the full length of the jar indicating they were manufactured in a mold. I surmise they were used to contain and haul the product from the whiskey still and I was wondering approximately how old the jars are? My guess is they may be from the 20’s or 30’s. Thanks and I really like your site, very informative.
Wayne, I don’t have details on the date coding system used by Hazel-Atlas in the earlier years (if they used one). Sorry I can’t answer your questions with any certainty, but I would guess the jars date from sometime in the 1920s-1940s period. The “6592” would be a catalog or inventory number assigned to that particular mold or “style” jar. Hazel-Atlas made huge quantities of jars and many of them carry a catalog number. Oftentimes the same type of jar would have been made for many years.
Hi, I have a clear bottle fragment that says, ‘ANT-FOIL’ on it. From what I am finding online, this is from a Hazel Atlas bottle, does anyone know what the purpose is? Is it from an ant poison container? I know Hazel Atlas made commercial jars and bottles. Thanks.
Looking for information about a quart size canning jar that has a twisted metal wire holding on the metal locking handle for a glass topped jar. The bottom of the jar has an “8”, an emblem that resembles a upper case T and F in one. with the H over the A symbol also all located on the bottom of the jar.. There is a small number on the jar near the bottom rim 5619. Just wondering of the possible date jar could’ve been made or how do I locate information about it. Thanks!
Looks like the TF combined was Hazel Atlas 1910-1930.
Why TF?
I have a clear glass covered dish with the HA symbol. It has a metal top. In the middle of the metal lid, there is a ceramic oval drawing of a man playing a guitar with a woman listening. Are you familiar with the date of something like this?
Kandy, I don’t know anything about the dish. Perhaps a reader will recognize it, and have more information on the approximate date it was produced.
Good Morning, a friend found a Hazel Atlas white ribbed Skippy peanut butter jar. I have looked on the web and can only find two images. Does anyone know the years these were produced.
Hi! I found an unusual Hazel-Atlas bottle on a construction site in California. It is clear glass, with the Hazel-Atlas symbol on it, with an H above it, and the number 3-19 elsewhere. The bottle is 4.5 inches tall, just less than 1 inch thick, and the width varies from 2 inches at the shoulder to 1.5 inches just above the base to 2 inches again at the base. The neck is small and short. The front and back faces of the bottle are flat, while the sides are slightly rounded. I am thinking it is some sort of cosmetic bottle? Do you have any ideas?
I don’t know, but if you wish you may email a picture of the bottle to my address listed at the lower right-hand corner of this site.
Best regards,
Sounds like a small coffee jar.
I found what I belive is an Atlas EZ seal lightning jar with the glass lid and wire, but seal is spelled Seae. Do you know of any jars with possible typos or could it be something else?
Danielle, that is an example of a mold engraving error. That error variation is known, and is listed as jar #118 in the “Redbook” used by fruit jar collectors.
A wide range of lettering/embossing errors are fairly commonly seen in fruit jars, bottles and insulators, especially those made before about 1920.
I found a quart size Atlas e-z seal that is spelled SEAE as well! It has a wired closure and is a canning jar. On the bottom it has 5056 C 6.
Anyone know anything about this specific jar?
I bought it for 5.99 at Salvation Army.
It’s clear and doesn’t have seams.
Thanks in advance,
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I have a general question: During what years did HA make canning jars, specifically pint jars? Just wondered if production only ended when they went out of business or sooner
Amy, they made canning jars the entire time they were in business. The “ATLAS” jars were being made by the Atlas Glass Company even before the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company was formed (starting production of the ATLAS- EZ SEAL jars in 1896) and production was continued by H-A until at least the late 1950s. However I don’t have information on their pint jars specifically. Also, many other types of jars (product jars or “packer jars” were made by Hazel-Atlas for many years, and those often have only the H-over-A trademark on the base along with mold numbers. I am assuming most, if not all, of their jars were continued to be made until 1964 (Hazel-Atlas had been bought out by Continental Can Company in 1957). Most of the HA glass plants were sold to Brockway Glass Company in 1964, and I don’t know what brand names/types of fruit jars were made by Brockway, if any, after that year.
I have a 1/2 gallon h over a atlas mason jar. On the bottom it has a k and 9. Do you happen to have any information, other than it was made in ohio
Hi Haley, although I don’t know about all the code numbers used on Hazel-Atlas products, I do believe the “K” stands for the Zanesville, OH plant, and the “9” is probably a mold number. Many ‘Atlas’ mason jars were made by Hazel-Atlas over a long period of time, and many mold/plant code number variations probably exist.
Best regards,
I was hoping someone could provide information about a glass cookie jar that was handed down to me. It was given to my Aunt in the 1960’s and does not have any markings on it but does look like a Hazel Atlas Gingerbread Print cookie jar. Instead of the painted or clear glass I am seeing online, the top half is clear and the bottom half is (see through) red (a opalescent/metallic red). The lid also is part red. The lid has a circular handle and is the same color red. There is a similar cookie jar here but clear…
I am desperately looking for a new lid as my son dropped and broke it. I am certain this type of red glass paint has a specific is quite unique but I am not sure what it is. Any info this community may have would be greatly appreciated.
Wow, thanks for sharing your passion! I was searching for information on my grandfather’s “Just Say When” shot glass with the Hazel-Atlas logo on the base, and stumbled across your article. Looks like more cool stuff to keep an eye out for at the flea markets!
Tim F Ames, IA
Thank you Tim!
(1) Did the Hazel-Atlas jar company ever make jars that actually looked like the Atlas “mason” jars that consumers see today when they purchase spaghetti sauce, etc? (Gyazo screen cap: )
When researching old Atlas jars, all the Mason jars that seem to be made by them for use as actual re-usable Mason jars for home canning actually seem to have looked quite different.
(2) Does anyone know how Classico (or more accurately whoever makes the jars for Classico) came to acquire the rights to the Atlas name to stamp it on jars?
Randal, I don’t think any of the authentic Atlas (Hazel-Atlas) fruit jars looked EXACTLY like the spaghetti sauce containers you refer to, although there is a general, vague resemblance. Of course, this is an example of modern product manufacturers capitalizing on the popularity of “antique Mason jars” and their connection with the past. (There are liquor distillers now packaging their products in old-fashioned “moonshine” fruit jars!!) I haven’t done any research to find out who has the current rights to the ATLAS name (as relating to fruit jars) but I’m sure someone out there will know, and can answer your question.
Randal, I don’t know about how Classico came to put ‘Atlas’ on their spaghetti sauce jars, but I did have some interaction with the company about those jars. The jars fit the usual canning lids, and so I bought this brand to keep the jars for canning. Then they changed the lid size so they no longer fit the regular size canning jar lids. I wrote to the company about it. They advised the jars were not actually for canning, and presumably, that’s why they changed the lids. Then, about two years ago, I got a letter from them stating that they were bringing back the old lid size on jars with the green metal lids. Indeed, those jars do fit the canning lids. Although they fit, I can’t say if they are safe to use for canning.
I recently did a lot of reading about borosilicate glass (old “PYREX’) and soda lime glass (new ‘pyrex’). And the new stuff cannot take the same temperature extremes as the old stuff (or the new, borosilicate glass PYREX sold in europe). It made me wonder if they Classico jars might be soda lime glass, and perhaps that’s why the didn’t recommend them for canning.
I still keep my classico jars, and I use them for storing herbs and such. Sometimes I use them for dry oven canning. But I avoid using them in a water bath or pressure canner…for fear they could explode and shatter like the new ‘pyrex’ can (when the temperature extremes exceed it’s tolerance).
I’m curious if anyone knows what type of glass the new Classico jars are made of.
I have a small milk glass tapered jar with the HA mark on the bottom. It has a metal screw on lid that says Dr. C.H. Berry Co. Chicago. I can’t find anything about it. can you help?
Kim, I’m sorry but I can’t be of much help. Hazel-Atlas made TREMENDOUS numbers of containers for many, many companies and no one is familiar with more than a small fraction of them. I don’t know anything about the Berry company. I assume you have already searched google. You might try using different search queries. Varying the exact wording (as Co. versus Company) and using quotation marks bracketing brief phrases, along with other keywords like bottle, glass, jar, etc, can sometimes help bring up better results.
Kim –
This is a jar of Dr. C. H. Berry’s freckle cream, produced from 1906 to the late 30s in this particular jar. It is fairly common, and is of interest to me because it is identical in many respects to the jar found on the island of Nikumororo by the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery. This artifact jar was thought to belong to Amelia Earhart. The discovered jar was clear glass, rather than opal (white, like your jar). We have been unable to find any examples whatever matching our Hazel-Atlas stamped translucent jar of identical geometry to yours. We don’t know where the translucent jar originated, but we have some theories.
Be cautious if any solids remain, as the product contained high levels of mercury. This product actually worked, although it was toxic, as mercury inhibits melanin formation in the skin.
Here is our technical report on the artifact jar. A partial history of the Dr. C. H. Berry company is given in the report.
Greg George
Research Chemist
International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery
Greg, thank you very much for the great information and background on the jar found. I remember reading about that research within the last year or two, but I didn’t remember the name/company/brand of the jar involved. I know we must “tread carefully” and “never make assumptions” but I have no problem believing the jar was indeed used by Amelia Earhart.
Btw, I do think it is odd that no clear glass examples of that jar have been found, but my guess would be that the jar was made in clear glass for a short time (perhaps a very short production run of only a few hours or a day or two) so only a relatively small number of examples were produced, before switching to ordinary white milkglass. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are clear examples buried in trash dumps here and there…..perhaps someone will discover another one sometime in the future.
The “translucent” appearance is a case of “sick glass”, caused by burial in moist conditions over a long period of time. Most glass will begin acquiring a faint, microscopically thin whitish stain on the outside surface of the glass if it lies buried long enough. This is especially noticeable on a lot of the machine-made clear glass containers of the early 20th century, although most ordinary inexpensive glass is potentially subject to this effect to some degree. The effect is caused by leaching of elements (soda) in the glass. So-called “sick glass” can range from a very minor dullness to a very intense rainbow “iridescence” similar to the appearance of gasoline on a mud puddle.
Best regards,
I have a dairy bottle that has the H over A logo on the bottom and then the number 14. Is this because it was made in 1914 or was it made at the 14th HA plant?
Hi Greg,
I think that is most likely a mold number. The “H above A” mark was not used by Hazel-Atlas until July of 1923, according to the trademark application papers submitted in 1924 to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Hope this helps,
I have a Hazel preserve jar that has the number 7944 on the bottom. Under that there is the number 11 with the letter L under it. The jar has a wire bail to secure to top. Any idea on the year made? Thanks
Hi David, sorry I don’t know that any detailed info is available to pinpoint production dates of many of the items made by H-A. The “7944” is a design or catalog number assigned to that particular style container. Many of their containers were made over a considerable span of time, not just one year. In any case, I really can’t answer your question with any solid information.
Best regards, David
I thoroughly enjoyed your article! Today, while yard saling, I came across an old liquor bottle for 75 cents. Of course I picked it up! After searching through many websites, I came across yours, put two and two together, and figured out that my bottle was made by Hazel-Atlas. The bottom has a “D-2” on the first line, underneath it says “39-55” and the HA on the side. Any guess as to what this might have been? It’s a brown bottle, one pint, metal lid.
Thanks for your help!
Your bottle was made in 1955. In this case the “39” is a “liquor bottle permit number” assigned to Hazel-Atlas, and the “55” is a year date code for 1955. For a long period of time all glass bottle manufacturers in the US were required to mark their liquor/whiskey bottles with a Liquor bottle permit number, followed by a date code. You can find a list of some of those permit numbers by doing a keyword search online.
Hope this helps,
Thank you so much!!
I have a shot glass that is frosted and says “say when podner ” on it. Any idea when this might have been released?
Hi Shelbe,
I don’t know, but from the general “look” I would guess the “Say when Podner” shot glasses are from the 1950s. There are several current ebay listings for these items and the sellers variously describe them as dating from the 1940s, 1950s, and/or the 1950s! Perhaps someone with solid info will chime in and tell us.
I have a piggy bank with 8127 and patent applied for on the bottle, red cap with coin slit with cardboard insert still in place in the cap. What year was it produced?
Tony, I’m sorry but I don’t have any information on your item.
I have a bank like this, too. I can’t tell you much about it, but mine has a label that says “Pure Little Pig Mustard 8 0x. Packed by Western Food Products Co. Hutchinson, Kans.” Same marking on bottom. The lid says “Brother Can You Spare a Dime?” Since there’s not a zip code, it’s pre-1960.
I have an aqua 1/2 gallon Atlas strong shoulder mason jar. It doesn’t have any identifying marks on the bottom of the jar, but does have plenty of bubbles in the glass, seams on the side and the D in the word ‘shoulder’ is backwards. It was among my mother-in-law’s things that she regularly used for canning, so I know it is old (she told me before she died that it was old and not to throw it out). I’m trying to date it and also wonder why the D is backwards. Any ideas? I can’t find anything on the internet to give me any clues. Thanks!
Hi Cheryl,
The “ATLAS STRONG SHOULDER MASON” jars were made by Hazel-Atlas, mostly in the 1920s and probably into the 1930s, according to information in Alice Creswick’s “Fruit Jar Works, Volume 2” (pages 9-10). I don’t know what year they quit producing them. Your jar has one of several known mold engraver errors on the Strong Shoulder jars. The backward “D” indicates the mold-maker accidentally engraved the letter D “correctly” into the mold. (The letters have to be engraved BACKWARD into the mold in order for them to appear “correctly” on the finished jar).
Just want to say thank you, David. I’m amazed at your patience and effort to answer everyone’s questions.
Thanks Idah! To be honest, I receive A LOT of mail and many questions I can’t answer, but I do the best I can. And a decent collection of reference books on glass-related topics helps a lot too! As well as that good ole Google search engine! 🙂
I have a light blue atlas strong shoulder mason jar with a zinc lid. It has bubbles in the glass. Are these worth anything?
Of course, Amanda.
All blue or aqua-colored fruit jars are collectible. You might try searching ebay over a period of time, and consulting the realized prices via the “Completed Auctions” search, for average current values.
best regards,
Hi David. I have a Atlas jar that is about 9″ tall and 4 1/2″ wide. It says Atlas and underneath Atlas it says Special Mason. On the bottom there is the usual H over the A and then to the right an x and underneath a 1. Iv’e searched around and haven’t found much info on this jar
Thanks, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
Here is what info I could find: In the book “The Fruit Jar Works, Volume 2” (by Alice M. Creswick & Steven B. Creswick, published 1987), on page 9 she describes several jar variants marked “ATLAS / SPECIAL / MASON” on the front of the jar. The earlier versions are round, in aqua or light green and she dates them as circa 1904-1920s. The later version shown (which is what I assume you have) is in clear glass, has more of a square shape, and carries the “H A” mark on the bottom. She writes that the clear version jars date from circa 1935 to the 1960s. Hope this helps,
I have a 8″ long amber glass bottle that is a one inch perfect square. My husband works for an excavating company and brings home vintage bottles all the time but this one has me stumped. It has the atlas symbol on the bottom with k-798 above it and the number 9 below. Also on, I guess the front of the bottle it has what looks like maybe a chess piece and says 4 IN 1.. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I’d love to know the history and the possible value.
I have the same bottle, wondering the same thing you are, can’t find anything anywhere else.
Hi David
I found a light green quart Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason jar. It has side seams and no defining symbols. However, the glass has distinct bubbles within the jar and even in the ridges on the lip. While this might be a factory second, would it have any additional sale value? Thank you
Hi Deborah,
Older bottles and jars often have bubbles in them. I would guess that most (sometimes almost all) glass containers made before 1900-1910 have at least some bubbles in them. This is a result of hand-made methods as well as the fast-paced production where there was less stringent quality control. Often the glassworkers did not wait for all the bubbles in the molten glass batch to rise to the surface and pop before they started blowing bottles from the pot (or tank). As long as the manufacturer felt the product would still perform it’s intended use adequately, they permitted some amount of bubbles in the finished product. (Bubbles are sometimes seen in “upscale” tableware and EAPG of the period, but not nearly as commonly in that type of glassware). From a jar or bottle collector’s point of view, the more bubbles the better! Some glass bottles and insulators are so full of bubbles the effect is amazing. Bubbles may range from tiny “seed” bubbles (like champagne fizz) to medium-sized, to very large, misshapen, lozenge, teardrop or elongated pear-shaped bubbles. Often there is a mix of sizes.
In general, to answer your question………. bubbles almost always add to the collector value of a container. If anything, they never detract from its value! Hope this helps,
Hi David,
I also have a similar Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason jar (only this one is clear) that I’m trying to date. It too has all kinds of bubbles throughout, however it has a seam around the neck just below the lip, and also vertical seams running down the body which indicate it was machine made. The signs seem to be a bit conflicting on this because the machine would indicate a later date, but bubbles indicate an earlier date. There’s also only a number “2” where the makers mark should be.
Also is there a reason why these jars only say “Atlas” and not “Hazel-Atlas” on them? I would think that it would mean it was before the merger, but from what I’ve read they were made after.
Hi Andrew,
I will answer via your second post (yes, they both went through).
Hi David,
My message seems to have vanished (hopefully I’m not writing a duplicate!) so here goes again:
I also have an Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason jar (mine is clear) that I’m trying to date, but it’s really puzzling me. Like Deborah’s, it too has a lot of bubbles in it – however, it also has a horizontal seam around the neck just below the lip, as well as vertical seams running up and down the sides, indicating that it was machine-made and probably manufactured (I’m guessing) after 1910.
Furthermore, the base of the jar where the maker’s mark should be, all I can find is the number “2.” I’m creating a catalog for my company (I work in archaeology) and have been cross-referencing maker’s marks with the Society of Historic Archaeology, however they don’t have anything for just the number 2.
Also, just out of curiosity, do you know why these jars continued to only say “Atlas” on them after the merger with Hazel?
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your posts! First of all, bubbles are common not only in handmade bottles, but also from the early days of ABM (automatic bottle machine) manufacture. Many machine-made bottles and jars from the c. 1904-circa 1920s era do contain some bubbles.
BUT……. as time went on they gradually became less and less common as technology got better and better, and more of the “kinks” were worked out in producing containers relatively free of flaws and imperfections. (Even today, sometimes machine-made containers are produced containing bubbles, but in general the factory quality control is so strict that very, very few make it past inspection and onto the retail market).
“ATLAS” was a well-known brand name used for many years, and although I don’t know exactly why Hazel-Atlas didn’t change the name on their jars, I would assume they felt the simple one-word brand name “ATLAS” already had such STRONG name recognition among the public that it would have been totally unnecessary and possibly ill-advised to make any change.
Concerning the number “2” on the base, that is a mold number. Please check out my webpage about Numbers on the base of containers. Mold numbers and other numbers appear on the bases or heels of countless glass containers of all types. You may even see mold numbers embossed on modern glass jars and bottles in your refrigerator or cupboard!
I hope this will be of help! Take care,
I found a glass bottle- “half pint” with a horse and a horseshoe engraved on the bottle. It has an “GC” symbol on the bottom. Also, it says: Los Angeles Brewing Co. on the bottom front part. How much is it worth?
Hello Hilda, I am assuming your bottle is similar (if not identical) to a bottle shown on my webpage about Glass Containers Corporation of Fullerton, CA. Sorry, I do not know what the average collector value might be. The question “how much is it worth” cannot be answered in a definite way. Hundreds of thousands of identifiably ‘different’ bottles have been manufactured by hundreds of glass companies just over the last century alone. Contrary to what someone might tell you, there is no “exact”, “set” or “absolute” market value that can be assigned to any of them, such as is often (more or less) true in the coin or stamp collecting hobbies. Price guides published about collectible bottles are just GUIDES, and can only list a very, very tiny percentage of bottles known. Basically, the collectible antique/vintage bottle market is a function of supply and demand. Anyone who tells you a certain bottle is worth a definite, specific amount of money is either honestly misinformed or a liar. The best bet is to try searching for similar bottles on ebay and check actual completed auction prices, or list it yourself and see what it brings. Best regards, David
I found a small glass jar at an old dump site in sand city ca…on the bottom it has the markings 7354 then right under that is has the big H with the smaller A under it then under that has 0 33 does anyone know if this is an old bottle and what year or what kind of jar
Hi Kristen, the “7354” would be an inventory/model/design number assigned to that particular style jar. I’m not sure on the interpretation of all the markings on many of their containers, so all I can pass along is that your jar dates from sometime between about 1923 (when Hazel-Atlas is supposed to have started actual use of their “H over A” trademark) and 1964. The “O” might be a plant code for the Oakland, California location, but I’m not positive about the “33”. Possibly a date code for 1933? Or maybe some other type of information. See this chart:
Best regards,
I have a 7″ white glass dish with 2 red concentric rings on the border. The word PLATONITE is the only back mark. Can I assume it is Hazel Atlas and when was it made?
John, no info on exact date. You might have better luck consulting an in-depth reference book on Hazel-Atlas, or a site devoted specifically to Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, or to depression-era glassware. Platonite ware was introduced in 1936.
Best regards,
I recently found a quart size and a pint size Atlas E-Z Seal glass canning jars and several different designed glass lids that fit them and a glass Ball quart size canning jar. I would like to find the proper lids for the two jars. Do you know what the lids for these jars would have looked like? Thanks!
Brenda, I don’t collect the Atlas or Ball types with the “Lightning type” glass lids, so I am not really familiar concerning what the difference is, or if there is a major difference in the lids. Of course, the older ones are in aqua or bluish-green, the more recent lids are in clear glass (probably dating after the mid or late 1930s). I see many lids on jars which may not be the “original” lids for those brands, such as many such jars posted on ebay. All of the lids I see on both the “Atlas E-Z Seal” (made by Atlas Glass Co. and later Hazel-Atlas Glass Company) and on the “Ball Ideal” jars (made by Ball Bros Glass Co.) look to be very similar, with slight differences, and bear two raised “lugs” on top, surrounded by several concentric rings, usually 3 or four. The “lugs” might be vaguely compared, at a quick glance, to the appearance of a “wing”, a raised separated bar with points or “arrows” on both ends, or an airplane propeller. They are positioned on the top center of the lid just to keep the wire bail in place when the jar is sealed. Since I don’t know if there is a real difference in the lids made by Atlas and Ball (and I am assuming that replacement lids were sold separately retail, to use on any of these types of glass jars, which might have been made by other companies as well?), I would advise you try posting a query on the antique-bottles-net site, where many experienced antique jar collectors read posts there daily. Perhaps someone can shed more light on this question.
Post a new thread here:
I hope this will help,
Best regards, David
I have 10 mugs with the red candy stripe pattern, but can’t find the Hazel-Atlas mark anywhere. Can anyone tell me if the coffee mugs were marked?
Lisa, the majority of Hazel-Atlas tableware is unmarked. Although as time wore on, it seems that some of their later ware (such as that made in the 1950s– mugs, soup bowls, cups, sugar bowls, etc) are more likely to be marked on the base. I don’t know about the mugs you are speaking of. Perhaps a collector who is more conversant with the Hazel-Atlas lines of mugs and other tableware can chime in?
I have a small oblong ribbed dish of milk glass with a maker mark that I’m pretty sure is Hazel-Atlas. The dish measures 45/8″ long x 3″ wide at the widest x 1.5″ deep. Do you have any idea what this is? what it’s used for. I’d appreciate any help.
Hello Jack,
I am 99.9 percent sure you are describing a water dish that was sold and used as an accessory for pet bird cages (such as for canaries, lovebirds, parakeets, etc). They seem to have been especially popular in the early to mid 20th century and are usually made of white or off-white milkglass. Most of the ones I’ve seen are not marked, so consider yourself lucky that you can identify the maker!
I have a Hazel Atlas ribbed jar, with 5328 under the H A then a 3 below that. Any info would be appreciated, thank you.
Ron, I’m sorry but Hazel-Atlas made thousands of different bottles, jars, flasks and jugs over more than four decades and I have no specific info on your jar. The “5328” would be a style number or “model number” assigned to that particular design.
Best regards,
I have a pint size canning jar with a Hazel-Atlas mark I am trying to date; standard lid, clear, square base, it has a raised grid pattern on all 4 sides except an oval of plain glass on one side (I am guessing for a label) I ran across this site in my search. Any ideas?
Hello Wellnessclinician,
These jars were produced (usually in clear glass) in pint and quart sizes in large quantities over a long time span in the early 20th century. I can’t find much solid information on them, but they seem to have been made by a number of glass companies, especially popular (in my estimation) during the 1920-1945 period. The pattern on the sides is called by various terms including “quilted”, “waffle”, “grid pattern”, “squares”, “criss-cross”, “tic tac toe” etc. I would like to know what the original manufacturers’ terms were for these jars, but I honestly don’t know. (If anyone knows, please contact me). Marks on the bottom of various examples show they were made by Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, Knox Glass Company, Ball Brothers Glass Company, Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation, Capstan Glass Company, and probably other glass manufacturers operating during that time period. Some collectors lump them together with the so-called “Hoosier jars” or “Hoosier cabinet jars”, although the jars made as accessories to the Hoosier Cabinets are not really quite the same. (A search on Google Images will bring up pics of various types of jars called “Hoosier jars”). I assume they were made for both home canning AND were sold to food companies to use as their “packer jars” (sold in retail stores with the product inside).
Your jar was made by Hazel-Atlas sometime in the 1920s-1940s, but cannot narrow down to a specific year date. Best regards,
What does it mean when it has a h over an a and a 13 over that
Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, made in mold number 13. No information on exact year of manufacture……..could have been made anytime after the mid-1920s up to 1964.
I found a jar that has this symbol but before it is “II” and it says “CAL CONS CO” on the bottom with “O-9052″ also. Do you have any idea what this bottle was for? About 5 1/4” in height and has an oval shape and is very thick glass.
It is also ribbed and goes in a bit in the middle to make it easier to grip (maybe).
Hi Neva, your jar probably held some type of food product such as pickles or a tomato-based product. (?) The California Conserving Company was a packing house (food canner/distributor) located in Hayward, California. They merged with Hunt Brother Packing Company in 1946. Here is a page with some info………
The “O-9052” is likely a code number for that particular jar design/style (used in inventory records or catalogs, and communications with buyers). Best regards, David
I have the Shirley Temple pitcher and bowl. Do you know where I can get the mug and what it should cost?
Jeanine, I’m not that knowledgeable about the Hazel-Atlas Shirley Temple items, but there have been tons of reproduction mugs, pitchers, etc appearing on the market over the last couple decades or so. I think your best bet would be searching lots of ebay auctions (and/or other online sales sites selling antique or vintage items), reading the sellers’ descriptions carefully, noting the slight differences in the appearance of the graphics. I can’t state a “fair” price for one of the mugs. The original glassware was a slightly lighter, subtler shade of cobalt blue called “ritz blue”, and the newer repros (most, if not all of them) are a darker, “stronger” or “harsher” cobalt blue color. The graphics on the repros are generally of somewhat poorer quality.
Best regards, David
Can you tell me when the eggnog sets with Tom and Jerry in red letters were made? Thank you!
Hi Gail,
To be honest, I really don’t know. But I would guess they were made sometime in the 1940s or 1950s.
Just a little input from a google search, Hazel Atlas produced “Christmas Cheet” Tom & Jerry set (red man in a top hat) circa 1949-? Not sure when discontinued. Several glass companies produced Tom & Jerry sets. They look really awesome! Hope I have not over stepped on this info.