Glass Containers, Inc. (1933-1955) Vernon, California
Glass Containers Corporation (1956-1983) Headquarters in Fullerton, California beginning in 1959
G/C G C G over C (at least two design variations of this mark exist, see pics below).
Glass Containers, Incorporated was established in 1933 at Vernon, California. A large general line of utilitarian bottles and jars was made there. GC later had three bottle-making locations in California, until 1968 when they purchased all (10) of the Knox Glass Company-owned plants, resulting in a total of 13 glass manufacturing locations. These included plants at Vernon, CA; Antioch, California; Palestine, Texas, and others (this info is taken from Bottle Makers and their Marks, Julian Toulouse, 1971).
Up until the late 1960s, the bottles produced by Glass Containers tended to be more heavily distributed in CA and the Western areas of the United States, although they may be found anywhere in the country.

There has been uncertainty and confusion about the exact date ranges during which the GC mark variations were used. The “partially overlapping, angularly designed, arranged in a vertical formation” version of the mark (hand-drawn here, and shown in the bottle base picture submitted by Michael Aden, farther down on this page) is said to have been introduced on bottles in 1945 (according to Julian Toulouse, Bottle Makers & Their Marks, 1971, page 220) but evidently actually dates from as early as 1933. (U.S. Patent & Trademark Gazette information indicates the trademark was registered on May 22, 1934, with “first use” reported to have been on September 13, 1933, under TM #313,303).
That mark appears on the bases of many California-region soda and other bottles from the 1930s, ’40s, ’50s and into the 1960s.
Arthur G. Peterson, in “400 Trademarks on Glass” (1968:49) indicates at least one variation of the GC trademark was used beginning in 1933, but he does not picture it. He was surely referring to the angular mark mentioned above.
The hand-drawn “rounded” version (as shown above, dated by Toulouse as circa 1935-1940) probably does not exist; although it is similar to examples of the last mark they used (shown below), it is supposed to be somewhat more rounded and closely entwined, if we are to accept the drawing as shown in Julian Toulouse’s BM&TM (on page 220). I suspect that this is a nonexistent mark. Please contact me if you have seen it in person on a glass container!
“G above C” mark
The last “G C” mark used by this firm (which looks somewhat like a stylized letter “G” or number “6” placed above a lower-case “e”) was definitely used by Glass Containers Corporation subsequent to the “angular” mark. The letters are placed in close proximity to each other but do not overlap. Below is a photo of the base of a ketchup/condiment bottle bearing a 1969 date code carrying that mark, as submitted by Gregory Fennell. Another photo, above, (courtesy of Jason Carpenter) shows the mark on the bottom of a 1979 clear ketchup bottle. This was the last trademark used on bottles made by Glass Containers.

Yet another photo shows the mark (spray-painted with matte gray paint to help bring out the lettering which was faint) on a bottle base shard that is undated.
UPDATE / NOTE: According to recently uncovered information in Bill Lockhart’s extensive article about Glass Containers Corporation, that mark was introduced in 1967 and used until 1983:
I’m also attaching a photo of that same mark, here as seen on the heel of a green glass “stubby” style beer bottle.

NOTE: Another mark … an entwined “C G C” as it appears on the bottom of a bottle with a 1984 date code is pictured on this page (painted with matte gray paint to help bring out detail) ………. and from information sent to me by Doug (of, this is the trademark used by Container General Corporation, a short-lived enterprise that was formed as a merger in 1983 between Glass Containers Corporation and Chattanooga Glass Company based in Chattanooga, TN. The Container General Corporation was then acquired by Diamond Bathurst in 1985. (See Diamond Glass Company, Royersford, PA page).
NOTE: Here is some information supplied to me via several emails, from Roger McLord, an employee of Glass Containers Corporation in the 1969-1977 period:
“Norton Simon Inc. acquired Glass Containers Corporation prior to my employment in 1969. GCC then had the funds to merge/acquire Fairmount Glass, headquartered in Indianapolis, and Knox Glass, headquartered in Knox, PA. (The three original Glass Containers, Inc. plants were located at: Vernon, California, Antioch, California, and Palestine, Texas.)
“Fairmount Glass had plants in Indianapolis, IN, Gas City IN, and Atlanta, GA. Knox Glass had plants in Knox, Oil City, Parker, and Marienville, PA; Baltimore, Maryland; Jackson, MS and Dayville, CT. (Dayville was the largest plant owned by GCC). This would bring the total number of GCC plants to 13 at the time of the acquisitions in 1968. There were 13 glass manufacturing plants, as above, and six sales offices. There were two mold shops: one in Fullerton, CA and one in Knox, PA with additional engineers located in Indianapolis. There were three distinct manufacturing administrations under the Vice President of Operations, reflected by the previous corporate structures. Eastern Area (Knox, PA) Central Area (Indianapolis) and Western Area, (Fullerton, CA). After I left, I heard that GCC was bought by Containers Glass Corporation from Atlanta.” Thank you Roger!
Los Angeles Brewing Company flask with horse & horseshoe design.
Here’s a rather unusual bottle, evidently a liquor flask, with pictures sent to me by Michael Aden. It has the “angular” GC mark on the base, as discussed above, but information is lacking on exactly when it was made. Comments are invited!

[This entry added January 20, 2020]. Recently, I received a query from reader Diane Enns, along with the three photos shown below. She was interested in identifying this glass item (which was made by Glass Containers Inc.) and bears their “Angularly-arranged GC” mark. It also bears a catalog or model number “3941” as well as the number “3”. I don’t recognize what this is, so we are asking for input from readers. If you know what this object is, and what it was used for, please write and let us know!! Thank you!

Condiment Bottle & Sugar Shaker with “G C Co” on base: This mark has nothing to do with Glass Containers Corporation, but in past years I’ve had this mark mentioned on this webpage and so wanted to address it here – with a link to another page. A shaker/bottle with the mark “G.C.Co.” on the base had been reported to me a few times over the last several years (by Matt Nesbitt, Kim Pettiet, Joe, Kimberly Glasser and Karen Tricomi; please see their posts in the comments section of this page). Also, a bottle with the patent number “78426” and the letters “G C Co” on the base was reported to me by Anthony Herren. For more information on this mark (the identity of the G. C. Co. mark has been solved), please check out my new page here about the G C Co mark used by Glaser-Crandell Company of Chicago, Illinois.
Please click here to go to the Glass Bottle Marks pages (this points to “page one” of five alphabetical pages of marks, logos, etc).
Click here to go to my Home Page.
We also found the 10-panel fluted sugar or salt shaker jar with “C. C. CO” on our property in Grass Valley, CA while clearing our land. It’s identical to the one pictured in the “Sugar/Shaker Jar” post from May, 2017 except that it shows “2” and “890A” in addition to the logo.
Another pharmacy bottle in the same area appear to be from the early 1900s made by Illinois Glass Company before it merged to Owens Illinois (just diamond inside the I). This leads us to think the glass may date from the same era, since we believe there was mining activity on our property sometime between 1900 and 1929.
Great site, thank you for sharing your thorough research!
Hi Karen,
Thank you very much for your post! I would certainly like to know what the “G.C.Co” stands for, and maybe we will find out soon! BTW, the first letter is probably supposed to be a “G”, as there is a barely discernible, very short downward stroke on the lower right of the letter, differentiating it just slightly from the “C”.
Take care,
[EDIT: the “G C Co” mark has recently been identified as the Glaser-Crandall Company, and here is a link to my webpage with more information on the user of that mark: Glaser Crandall Company, Chicago, Illinois]
Hi Roger, l want to follow up on what happen to all the GCC employees. I was one during period 1970 – 1980. Do you know if anyone has any knowledge about them.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Hi Bill, Where did you work? I only know that my former boss, Maury Paul passed away in 1988. I always had the greatest respect for him and he was a wonderful person to work for. I began with GCC in Fullerton in May of 1969 and left in the fall of 1977. Your name seems familiar to me. What capacity did you work in?
My name is Michael Timar, my Mother Jessie Timar worked in the Corporate Office as Supervisor of Communications. I know she worked with Maury Paul. I know they were friends. My Mother passed in Dec. 2008. She loved working at GCC and put together reunions for a number of years after the company was sold. I am glad to have found this site. I was trying to look up some of the different bottles and other items she was given while she worked there. My Sister and I would love to hear from people that knew and worked with my Mother, She was a very special person! We Loved her so much!
Ed Valenzuela, Gloria and I used to do crafts with your Mom. As I recall, you were still in high school. Say hello to your sister for us.
Hey you two, it’s Noeline, Jessie’s daughter. How are you doing? We are good Mike and I own a travel agency in Prescott, Arizona and finally getting back to business after Covid. I got married in 2005. Doing well, miss Mom more and more everyday. Our Dad passed away 4 years ago. Would love to hear from you and how the family is doing.
Is there ANYONE still helping with determining the manufacturer of amber glass beer bottles or revealing the name behind the “mark” on the bottom of the bottle? Of the hundreds of marks and makers on David’s site, I cannot find any hint or help to determine the maker of my “throw-away” beer bottle. It has a mark on the bottom that is “rHk” or “aHk”. Any help would be greatly appreciated. David Templeton … Maryville, Tennessee.
Hi David,
I know my site can be confusing and difficult to navigate (especially for anyone using a phone to view the site), but the AHK mark is shown in the alphabetical “A” listings pages on “page one”, at this link: The letters “A H K” stand for Alexander H. Kerr, and this mark is seen on many types of bottles including soda, beer, food, medicine and others. I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Roger I finally got back to the website. I worked in the accounting department first with John Kribbs and then with Jim Johnson and Dick Silva.
Well I’m alive and well and I worked for GCC from 1969 to 1982. I was plant manager of Palestine from 1973-1978, Vernon from 1978-1981. Antioch from 1981-1982. Katie Gore who was purchasing agent when I was in Vernon lives in AZ. Bob Shurbert VP Manufacturing died about 4 years ago in FL. Roger Levekulics (probably wrong spelling) who was plant manager at Hayward and Antioch was living in San Diego. Had some health problems. Don’t know about him. That about sums it up about what I know.
I worked in the Dayville, CT. plant from 1962 to 1968. Anyone that worked in that plant during those years I would like to hear from them as to where they are now and how they are doing health wise. Feel free to contact me at my e-mail address.
Thank you,
Hi Robert, I just wanted to make a quick note that your email address will not appear publicly on this page, for security/privacy reasons, but if anyone replies (through this site) and wants your email address, I will be happy to send it to them, or forward their post directly to your email. Take care, David
Did they make Coke bottles? I’m from Dayvile Ct and found they had a Glass Co here. But I cant find any info on them making Coke bottles.
Joseph, I don’t know if G C C made Coke bottles. Perhaps a reader will know.
We made them in Palestine, TX plant.
Hi My Mother worked at GCC and I just opened the container that had a numbers of glass pieces and there was 5 or 6 Coke Bottles in the container. But I don’t know if they made them? Michael
Hi Michael!
Thank you for your posts. If anyone who knew your Mom posts any replies to your post on this page, I will be happy to approve and post them here for you. About the Coke bottles, you might need to look closely over the bottles and see if they carry any glass manufacturer’s marks on them. Sometimes the mark is on the side of the bottle, sometimes on the base. One of the pages here on my website lists glassmaker marks seen on Coke bottles made over the past 100+ years….. Glass Manufacturers’ Marks on Coke Bottles Hope this helps!
Thank you very much! Michael
I found a 3 tiered glass bottle that had the angular GC logo I posted photos of it here ( it has the numbers 3173 and the #6 at the bottom to the left of the logo there’s a S and to the right is a 5
Hi Parker,
I don’t know anything about the bottle, but it seems vaguely familiar as if I have seen a similar one at a flea market or somewhere. I am guessing the bottle might have contained olive oil or some type of condiment, but I can’t say for sure. It might date from the 1960s or 1970s?? Thanks for writing,
The bottle you showed with the pat. in it. There is a 4 above the s and 3 below the c. I’m glad I’ve figured out how to use this site better now, I have many to research.
I found a 16-sided bottle that looks like it was used for ketchup in Edmonton, Alberta. It has the intertwined GC logo. To the left of these vertically entwined letters is a C and to the right is a 3. There are the numbers 3267 on the bottom (likely the mould number) as well as a number 8 below that (perhaps the month it was manufactured).
I can’t comment with much certainty about your bottle, other than this: I am fairly sure the “8” would not indicate a month. Although many glass companies did mark their bottles with date codes, in most cases a number (or numbers) stands for the last one or two digits of the year. In no case were months indicated. Engraving a date code for the current month would have been considered unnecessary, time consuming, and inevitably more expensive.
Best regards, David
I found a bottle, with the GC on it similar to the last bottle in a diamond shape. It is a screw top bottle with multiple “4/5 Quart” around the bottom of the bottom. On the bottom side of the bottle, next to the GC is a 15 and below that is 4725. Any ideas? The bottle also resembles a wine bottle or a old whiskey bottle.
Just found the bottom of a brown/amber bottle, with the angular GC marking, on my beach walk today. S to the left of the logo. Under logo is 1-WAY, under that 4801, under that 23. A portion of the bottom is missing…not surprising having tumbled in the ocean for many a year. Would this have been a beer bottle?
Cheryl, yes I think the “1 WAY” marked bottles were usually beer bottles.
I have a 750 ml bottle with a metal screw top. GC on bottom (same as pictured example) also reads CWCI as well as a faint 1, 133 and a big angled 13 all on bottom. Please help me identify?
I found a mason jar with the angular logo on the bottom today, but the mason jar is round, and not squared. I believe I remember reading somewhere that all glass makers started using the squared design when America entered WWII because it was found to be the most efficient way to hold things. If that’s right, then the angular logo certainly pre-dates 1945 I think?
Madeline, I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I would think you are correct.
I have that angular glass marking on a whiskey bottle with the Federal law prohibits on collar, half pint on lower collar and D-2, 128-59, – on left side and angular GC marking on right side. According to everything I read the D-2 was the old Quaker whiskey distillery. Your page is the only page where I have been able to find that angular marking. I believe the 59 is the year.
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for your post, and I believe you are correct. I believe the “128” is a liquor bottle permit number assigned to Glass Containers, Inc (or Glass Containers Corporation), and “59′ is a date code for 1959.
The carboys were manufactured automatically on an Owens machine in Alton, Ill. It made 3 a minute and only used every other head because of the heavy pull on the furnace. It was still in operation in 1964 when I left the plant and went to Toledo. It is recognized by very heavy scarring in the glass on the bottom where the knife cut it off in the blank. I don’t remember the size but they were commonly use on water fountains. As far as I remember it was the only auto machine making them. Might be from that operation.
Sam, thanks a lot for your information!!
Have a hand blown glass carboy abot 13 gal capacity. It has a mark of 1964 and GPD on the bottom with Gardena California. I cant find any history references to the manufacturer. Do you know who this ie?
Eddie, according to this pdf file (from the GPD mark stands for “Glass Products Division” of the Arrowhead and Puritas Water Company of California. However, I don’t know what glass manufacturer actually MADE these carboys (large water bottles) that were distributed in CA and perhaps some of the other western states.
Hope this helps a bit,
David, Thank you for the information. I have a similar bottle with a 1959 date. According to the person I purchased it from, this bottle was brought home from Millville (NJ) Glass Works by her Grandfather who stated that the bottles were made in the plant.
Hi, we found a bottle on our property with the angular “GC” marking. It is very similar looking to a ketchup bottle (10 sides). The code on the left middle in 32, right middle is 48, and bottom is 6. based on what I’ve read online, it is a Glass Container Corp bottle, possibly made in 1948. 32 is the possible factory code and 6 is the possible mold code. Do I have that right? Is there any way to know what this bottle was originally used for? Thanks!
I am not familiar with bottle mold codes used by GC. I would guess you MAY be correct about a 1948 date code, but I cannot confirm it.
Anyway, the multi-faceted (“fluted”) ketchup bottles were made for many years by many glass companies. They often have 8, 10, 12 or 16 sides. Huge numbers of them were made especially in the 1910s-1980s — and even today (although most ketchup is now sold in plastic bottles). I assume they were also sometimes used for other condiments/sauces.
Best regards,
I may have just found a G.C.Co. jar in hopewell, va while digging metal detecting. On the bottom it has what looks like:
G. C. Co.
3-4 inches tall 10 sided screw top
I have what I believe is this same bottle, with a label. the label reads:
Pepper Shaker Jar
Savoy pat. off
Pure Prepared Mustard
Net Wt 5 oz
Steele-Wedeles Company
Distributors Chicago, ILL
Thank you very much for the information. Please see the pics I posted today (May 19, 2017) within the main text on this page.
Take care, David
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your post. I just found an example of that bottle, with exactly the same markings on the base except the mold number is a “6” instead of a “3”. Please check out my update to the page and the pics of the bottle.
Best regards,
Roger missed on the plants GC had. I think the Marienville, PA plant is in error. I worked for the company from 1969-1982, I was plant manager of the Palestine, TX plant (which would make 13) from ’73-’78, Vernon 78-81 and Antioch 81-82. I left the company right before it was sold to Chattanoga Glass. Palestine was always a Knox plant. The 3rd plant for the original GC was Hayward, CA. Interesting articles, I spent 21 years in the glass industry starting with OI in Alton,, Ill their original plant and then Toldedo QC.
Sam, thanks a lot for your information! I appreciate your submission. The more info we have, the better!
Dayville, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Gas City, Atlanta, Knox, Oil City, Parker, Marienville,Jackson, Palestine, Vernon, Antioch. It’s been a few years, but this is what I remember. I will defer on the ownership before the merger,..I visited the Gilbert Street address a few years ago, and I go past Antioch fairly frequently. it has changed a lot. Some nostalgia. We may have met, David. I remember being very impressed by the plant and the people in Palestine 1976-77 Time flies..
I was an internal auditor at the Gilbert Street offices 1981-1983.Went to Vernon, Antioch, Hayward, Gas City , Atlanta, Dayville. It was a great place to work ! In 2006, we had a big reunion of sorts at the 80th birthday party for one of my all-time favorite people, Bonnie Cabral at the Gilbert Street offices . I enjoyed working for Tom Jennings and Paul Pretkus.
Sorry, I mean Sam.
Hello David: You have a very fine site and It’s a great advantage to have Sam Harvey, an actual Plant Manager as a resource. A big boost to your research! Thanks for all your work.
Hello Roger,
I worked in the Fullerton office office from 1970 to 1984. Started as a mail clerk and ended up as DP manager. Worked for Mr Paul and Dick Parsons until he retired. Worked for Bob Hart until GCC was acquired by Chattanooga Glass.
Ed Valenzuela
Hi, Ed. I tried to respond earlier, but it apparently didn’t work I remember you, of course, and Phil and Lynn and the rest of the Office Services gang. You were always one of the best. I’m not surprised that you went from mail clerk to DP manager. I think you can get my e-mail address from this site. Good to hear from you.
My Father now 85 years old, worked in the mold shop at the Glass Containers in Hayward at the Hunts Canery for years. Also served as Committee Chairman, Local 66, AFGWU. He was a tool and dye man and made the molds for ketchup bottles, coke bottles etc.
I was down in Herculaneum, MO today doing some fishing along the river when I stumbled across a treasure trove of glass artifacts from a home that was bulldozed into the river in the early 1950s. I’ve identified several but this one has me stumped. It has a “G. C. Co.” embossed on the bottom with a number “4”. I swear this thing looks just like one of the shaker bottles at Pizza Hut with the parmesan cheese or Italian herb in them.
Hello Joe I have the same bottle and am having a hard time finding any I go on it! We’re you ever able to pinpoint what it was?
Kimberly, I’m not sure if this is the same bottle, but please see my new post on this page (Update May 19, 2017).
Joe, please see the photos I just posted as of May 19, 2017 on the page. Is this the same style bottle you found?
I have a old gc bottle I am trying to figure out.. Found it while diving looks like a 3 tier rocket with ridges on the tiers.. Date code is 9.
Chase- I found the same exact bottle while digging a pool in south Florida. Spent the last two days researching it ! Mine has markings 3192 with a 7 below that.
I have a bottle with GCCO. “3 18” and “des pat appld for”
embossed top and bottom w/ screw cap. logo looks like an anchor and maybe an “H”
w/rounded edges
found in “bottle dump” for Santa Fe RR camp in Okla.
I found an exact match to your “mystery bottle” today when remodeling my house. I stumbled upon this page trying to figure out its origin.
Thank you Ken!
I found the mystery bottle on our property in Southern California today. This is the only mention of it I have found online so far.
There is a modern take on GCC. Glass Container Company commenced production in the mid 1990’s as a single furnace operation in Chisinau, Moldova. The business is still in operation & has expanded to include a 2nd firnace.
Hi Paul,
I have a couple questions for you. What is the mark used by this company? Is there ANY real connection between these two glass companies other than the similarity of business name? Any of the same people involved?
Thank you, David
I love all the information! really amazing, Thank you.
The discrepancy between the 13 plants mentioned in the opening paragraph and the 10 plants in 1977 is accounted for by Parker, PA, Baltimore, MD and Jackson MS plants that were closed in the 1970s.
Hello Roger,
Thank you very much for the information! I appreciate your help with the accuracy of the information presented on this webpage!!
My father, age 85, worked as a sales manager and later Senior Vice President of Marketing of Glass Containers, Inc. This career led him from Syracuse, NY to Cleveland, Ohio to Fullerton California, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Indianapolis, Indiana, back to Fullerton, California, to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Philadelphia-area, Pennsylvania, and then almost to Florida before he resigned and started his own business in CA so he could be closer to his grown children.
Hi Inga,
Thanks for your post!!