Dr. W. B. Caldwell’s, Monticello, Illinois

Dr. W. B. Caldwell’s was a very popular brand of laxative, introduced by William B. Caldwell in approximately 1888.  The active ingredient consisted of senna (extract made from the dried leaves of the cassia senna plant, used commonly for constipation) .

These antique glass medicine bottles are found in many variants, with differences in the exact wording or arrangement of lettering. Very large quantities of these bottles were sold over a period of many decades.  There are several different sizes known, including small “sample” type bottles.

The typical bottle is embossed with “Dr. W. B. CALDWELL’S / MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS” across the face, in a sunken panel.  There may or may not be a glass manufacturer’s mark on the bottom.

Some variants (which may be earlier versions of these bottles)  include the wording “CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN/ MFD. BY /PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY / MONTICELLO ILLINOIS”. An example is pictured on this page.

Antique Dr. W. B. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Monticello, Illinois embossed glass bottle - light amethyst
Antique Dr. W. B. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, Monticello, Illinois embossed glass bottle – light amethyst.


Most Caldwell’s bottles are found in clear, off-clear, aqua, very pale aqua or light green, or very light purple (sun-colored amethyst).   Note: Any Caldwell’s bottles in a very dark purple (“royal purple”) have been artificially irradiated!!  Please see my page on irradiated glassware.

Many slightly different molds were used over the years.  A number of glass manufacturers made the Caldwell’s  bottles.  Besides those made by unidentified bottle makers (bearing no mark to indicate manufacturer),  large quantities were produced by Illinois Glass Company, Alton, Illinois (see “I inside a Diamond mark“) as well as   Whitall Tatum Company , Millville, New Jersey (W T inside a triangle)  and Pierce Glass Company, Port Allegany, Pennsylvania (“P inside a circle” mark).

Some of the variants of this bottle carry what appears to be “Dr. YY. B. Caldwell’s“.  Contrary to what some bottle collectors believe, this is NOT a  mold-cutting error, but an intentional way of forming the “W”, considered to be a more “artistic” or “elaborate” form of “W”. (Remember, this is from the very late Victorian age – such liberties were taken, and only appear to be “errors” when seen through the eyes of 21st-century collectors!).  The lettering variant is found on a number of different molds. It is inconceivable that the company would have permitted tremendous quantities of bottles, made in many different molds, to carry the letter “W” in that style unless it was completely intentional.

The most commonly found variants (with a cork-style closure) date, in general, from the 1890s into the early 1940s.    According to an article published in “BOTTLE NEWS” magazine (October 1973 issue, pages 8-9) written by June Whitaker, the screw-threaded style closure on Caldwell’s bottles was introduced in 1942 (the cork closure being phased out), and raised embossing on these bottles was discontinued entirely in 1962, the bottles thereafter carrying only a paper label for identification.  I don’t know where she obtained that information, but I am assuming it is correct, or very close to accurate.

William Burr Caldwell of Monticello, Illinois, started bottling his “pepsin syrup”  in small quantities as early as approximately 1888, but not until a few years later (mid 1890s) that sales really started to take off, and afterward the company expanded quite rapidly. The company was later known as the “Pepsin Syrup Company” which continued to sell the concoction for many years.

The Pepsin Syrup Company was sold in 1925 to Household Products Company (a division of Sterling Drugs Products), afterward going through a series of confusing owner/company and name changes.  (However, the bottles still had “Dr. Caldwell’s” name embossed on them into the early 1940s).

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35 thoughts on “Dr. W. B. Caldwell’s, Monticello, Illinois”

  1. Is there a particular method one should use to wash or clean glass bottles dating back to the early 1900’s? I too have one of the Caldwell glass bottles found in the old family barn and want to display it but has some dirt and grime on inside of bottle. Thanks

    1. Hello Bryan,
      About cleaning bottles…………that can be a difficult subject, but your post gives me the opportunity to pass along a bit of background and a few ideas for you (and any other readers) who might have the same questions………please bear with me, as this will be a lengthy reply! [NOTE, this only applies to embossed glass bottles, NOT ACL (Applied Color Label) soda bottles that date from the 1930s and later!! The ACL graphics on those types of bottles can be damaged by strong cleaners and abrasive steel wool, etc.]

      I don’t know if your Caldwell bottle would have this problem, but a lot of older bottles, especially “dug” bottles, will show some degree of “sick glass stain” which can range from a light, dull whitish surface stain, to a heavy stain, and in some extreme cases to a very beautiful “rainbow patina” (the Benecia Glass effect, which is often desirable and many collectors would not attempt to remove) caused by glass having been buried for very long periods of time, in long-continued contact with moisture, or sometimes from being stored for decades in a damp basement. So-called “Sick glass” cannot be merely cleaned, as it is a permanent deterioration of a microscopically thin layer of the surface of the glass. More on that later….

      On most glass bottles, the first thing I would try is let them soak in a mild solution of Oxalic Acid and water. The mildest form of that is an inexpensive product called “Bar Keepers Friend”, sold in cans, usually found next to the AJAX and COMET cleansers at most large dept stores and grocery stores. Just mix some of the powder with lukewarm water, mixed well, in a plastic 5-gallon bucket and (wearing rubber gloves!) carefully immerse the bottles COMPLETELY so they are completely filled up inside. Let the bottles soak for a minimum of a couple days.
      The active ingredient Oxalic Acid helps break down some of the stubborn dirt and grime. It may not work completely but it is usually worth trying. Other remedies (if that doesn’t do any good) is to soak bottles in vinegar, bleach, rubbing alcohol, or ammonia. Try those ONE AT A TIME, of course never mix any of these products together. The rubbing alcohol can sometimes (repeat: sometimes) be useful for cleaning the inside of old chemical bottles that contained some type of tar-based product.

      After soaking the bottles with cleaners, some collectors use various sizes of bottle brushes. In some cases, better than a bottle brush would be the aquarium gravel idea. Using SMALL SIZE aquarium gravel (and dry rice or dry beans might work in some cases) fill the bottle about 1/3 with the gravel, then add room temp or lukewarm water, and shake repeatedly but GENTLY to help remove more stubborn stains and dirt, swishing it this way and that. Be very careful not to drop the bottle!

      Another item I have used occasionally (on very tiny bottles) is the small thin metal “paint can lid lifter” used to open paint cans. If it will fit in to the bottle, you can sometimes carefully scrape down the inside of the bottle and help remove stubborn encrustations or spots that won’t come clean otherwise. I have also used the paint can lid lifter, shoving down some small cut up pieces of the rough, thin green scratch pads (used for scrubbing pots and pans), then manipulate them around and around inside the bottle….. again, that might not be possible to do if the bottles are too small, and CAUTION, there is a risk of breaking the bottle!

      Especially on the really small bottles, it can be difficult to clean the inside effectively with any type of brush. Some bottles have very hard-to-get-rid-of encrustations/dirt/soot inside and in some cases this may never come completely clean. That said, I might try such items as small brushes made to clean baby bottles or coffee makers.

      You can also try cleaning the outside by rubbing with 0000 grade steel wool and/or car body “Turtle Wax” brand rubbing compound (in the green plastic tub). This will not damage the glass, and might help to reduce the dullness of the outside surface.

      Please keep in mind: Comparatively “high end” antique bottles, (those considered to be worth the effort because of their value) are sometimes professionally “tumbled” to clean them inside and out. This removes the “sick glass stain” or “ground stain”. There are collectors who specialize in this type of service, but it can be expensive, usually costing at least 25 dollars (or more) per bottle plus shipping costs. The bottle or other glass item is placed inside of a plastic canister with water and polishing compounds (attached to a motor), held in place, and left to rotate for several hours or days. This process removes a very, very thin layer of the surface of the glass. It can be overdone, however, and some bottles have been ruined by “over-tumbling”. In any case, this is not used as much for most “common” or less valuable antique bottles, unless a bottle has special sentimental value for some reason or other.

      I hope this helps a bit, and Take care!


    2. A method that I have used a few times to clean the inside of bottles is put rice, water, and a little bit of soap in the bottle and shake it really well. You don’t want it to foam up, you want just enough soap to make the rice a little bit slippery. I use this method whenever my brushes can’t reach places in the bottle such as the inside of the shoulder. This does not take out stains, but it does get hard to reach dirt. (Note: do not try to save the rice to use the next day to clean bottles. Throw it out the day you use it or else it will stink terribly. I know from experience….) I hope this helps!

  2. Have a Dr. YY B. Caldwell’s Monticello, Illinois bottle. It has a number 3 on the bottom. Any idea of the age? thanks for the help

    1. Bobby, I know of no way to narrow down the age range of these bottles closely. I would guess they are from the 1910s-1920s era, but I can’t be more specific than that. The “3” is a mold number.

  3. Is it still possible to get info on this? My bottle is clear square bottom with the raised same lettering. It has a p with a circle and the number 7.

    1. Susan, those bottles were made in very large numbers, and all I can pass along would be that your particular piece was made by Pierce Glass Company. See the alphabetical list of marks for “P in a circle”. The “7” is a mold number and tells us nothing about age.

  4. Can you approximate a date range for a Dr. W.B. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin bottle? It has that on the face with Monticello, Illinois and Pepsin Syrup Company on the sides with a number 13 and what appears to be either a “p” or possibly a “W” on the bottom. Many thanks for any information that you can share.

    1. James, I don’t know what the date range would be, but if the mark is a “P in a circle” it might date from SOMETIME in the 1930s-1950s. Pierce Glass Company made many of the Caldwell bottles over a long period of time. The “13” is a mold number.

  5. Hate to bother you again but found another bottle on a lake bottom. On one side it says castoria and on the other side it says cha.h.letcher. on the bottom it has circle p with a 4 above it and 258 below.dont think its real old bacause it has screw type threads. Thank you if you can help. Robert.

    1. Hi Robert,
      The Chas. H. Fletcher bottles held castor oil for constipation, and were made in very large numbers over a long period of time, by several different glass companies. Your bottle was made by Pierce Glass Company (P in a circle). With the screw top, it is somewhat more recent, and I would guess it might be from the 1930s-1950s but I really can’t say for sure.

  6. Hi david. I have a pepsin syrup company bottle with a diamond with t4 in the center.could you please tell me possable date of manufacture. Thank you

    1. Robert, I cannot tell you the date of manufacture, but the diamond marking on the base with the number/letter inside is typical of mold identification codes used on many bottles made by Illinois Glass Company, based in Alton, IL. The bottle likely dates from sometime in the 1910s or 1920s. Please check out my webpage on that company for more info.
      Best regards,

  7. I found a Dr. YY B Caldwell’s syrup pepsin bottle in South Arkansas. The marks on the bottom of the bottle looks like an N inside a rounded square with the number 12 on the bottom. Can you give me some idea of about when this bottle was manufactured?

    1. Chris, the “N in a square” mark was used by Obear-Nester Glass Company of East St. Louis, Illinois. The “12” is a mold number. I cannot give you an exact year the bottle was made, but please check out my webpage on that company. They made huge quantities of bottles and jars of many types over a period of many years.

  8. I fooud an old bottle on a construction site with dr y y b caldwells in raised lettering on the face and Montecello Illinois in raised lettering on the side it appears to be a cork stopper bottle. It appears to have a diamond emblem on the bottom with an 11 beneath. I haven’t seen this variant on any other web pages and was wandering if you could approximately date the item? Thanks

  9. I have a bottle with a cork in it. Says Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin mfd by Pepsin Syrup Company Monticello, Illinois. Bottom marking diamond with a I. Clear glass.

  10. Hello, My husband and I found a Dr. W.B. Caldwell Div bottle out hiking. Itt probably is a common bottle which we are totally OK with. It has a 3 and has a P in a circle. Can you tell me a little bit about the time frame for these bottles? Thank you

    1. The “P in a circle” stands for Pierce Glass Company which operated over a very long period of time (See my alphabetical listings with that mark entry). I doubt if a narrow date range can be established for these Caldwell bottles with the P marking. I would guess (repeat: GUESS) that most of them date in the 1930s-1950s time period but I know that doesn’t help us very much!

  11. I have found one that is pale green –bottom mark is T-4 in a diamond shape. Wish I could post a picture. Imposing on side is
    M’ F’ D’ BY

    1. Molly, I’m sorry but I don’t have the site set up so everyone can post pictures. Anyway, because of the mark you describe, your bottle was made by Illinois Glass Company, of Alton, IL, so we can narrow down the time frame a little…….around 1915 to 1929. Please see my page on the Illinois Glass Company’s “I inside a diamond” mark.
      Best regards,

  12. I was walking on the lake when I saw something one the ground it is a glass piece the words can be seen “Dr W B Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin” I have no clue what to do with this because as I know sea glass sells for much these days. What should I do with this piece?

    1. Hi Dakota,
      Well, if I were you, I would start a beach glass collection. You could start looking for other pieces of beach glass, especially those with any letters or numbers still visible, and after you have a few, display them in an attractive clear glass bowl, dish, vase, brandy snifter, or something like that, perhaps on a coffee table or shelf.

  13. I have a syrup pepsin bottle. Very light green tint. On the bottom it has the number 5 and a small P in a circle. In mint condition. How can I tell if it’s worth anything. Thank you.

    1. Monica, those bottles are very common so their “market value” is not high. Yours was made by Pierce Glass Company (P in a circle). They are more of interest as an authentic “Made In The USA” vintage 20th century glass bottle, rather than having a lot of monetary value. Maybe one to three dollars at most, although some flea markets, antique stores, or online auctions might have similar bottles priced MUCH, MUCH higher. My site is not intended as an appraisal site, so please take my opinion with a large grain of salt!

  14. I have two broken bottom pieces of this bottle and part of the top piece didn’t know what it was til I googled the name on the bottle very cool history kinda awesome to have a piece of it 🙂

  15. Wife and I were talking about old time med and I remember this product, sort of was thinking that it actually had some bad stuff in it. Maybe turpentine, or something worst. Can you tell me the ingredients of the original med?

    1. Hi Glennon,
      I really don’t know exactly what was in it. Perhaps a search on the internet will bring up something……. I am sure someone out there knows, but I don’t. Thanks for writing!

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