“Wax Sealer” Style Antique Glass Fruit Jars – List of Primary Markings


The use of wax as a way to seal canning jars was evidently known in the US as early as the 1820s or 1830s,  but very little information is known about specific jar types and methods.  The first known type of “Wax sealer” style canning jar or fruit jar described in the literature was patented in 1854 by James Spratt of Cincinnati, Ohio.   This type of jar made use of a groove or “ring” at the top of the jar.  Wax would be poured into the groove and a metal lid pushed into place after the wax was poured to create the barrier.  Alternately, the lid could be placed in the groove first, then the wax poured into the groove to solidify and create the seal.

Many types of wax sealers were used in the earliest years including those made of both pottery (stoneware, earthenware or crockery) and glass.  The (nearly all handmade) glass jars were termed “Groove-ring wax sealers” bearing a “pressed laid-on ring” in the Fruit Jars reference book written by glass industry researcher Julian Harrison Toulouse (1969).

The wax closure method was never foolproof, and being fraught with problems, its unreliability helped ensure it’s gradual decline in use, so by the early 1900s the glass wax sealer jars were being replaced by the so-called “Mason” type jars with screw-threaded closures.

The following is a summary of primary markings embossed on glass wax sealer style fruit jars (most of them made in the United States).  The majority of these jars date from the 1850s into the early 1900s. Their height of popularity was probably the 1870s and 1880s.

Wax sealer jars were used in large quantities for preserving foods during that time period, and this style of fruit jar was a strong competitor to the “Mason’s Patent Nov 30th 1858” style of screw lid jars which were also very popular for home canning for many years.

The very last wax sealer style jars are probably the jars (referred to as their BALL STANDARD model) made by Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company, produced into the early 1910s.   The Ball Standard wax sealers are found in both handmade and machine-made versions.

Many of the (attributed) glass companies listed on this page can also be found on the Glass Bottle Marks pages, under their respective mark entries, with more information (if known) on their dates of operation.

Antique Glass "Wax Sealer" type fruit jar, quart size, circa 1880s, marked "S.G.W. LOU. KY." on base.
Antique Glass “Wax Sealer” type fruit jar, quart size, circa 1880s, marked “S.G.W. LOU. KY.” on base.



CREDIT: The list of embossed markings  below has been extracted, with permission, from the invaluable reference book “THE FRUIT JAR WORKS , Volume 1” compiled by Alice Creswick which was published in 1995 by Douglas M. Leybourne, Jr.  

Doug is the publisher of the “REDBOOK” price guide series for antique and collectible fruit jars. The latest edition of the Redbook can be purchased at the  Redbookjars.com website.  

A few of the glassmaker attributions included below reflect information found since TFJW was published.  

Wax sealer jar with metal lid in place.
“Wax sealer” style jar with metal lid in place.

Note: Recent editions of the Redbook includes many fruit jar listings that were not covered in the original TFJW books, so there may be other wax sealers in the latest Redbook that are not shown in the list below. 

There are minor variations in the exact appearance of different wax sealers. The most common size holds about one quart, and second in commonness would be the half-gallon size jars.  Other sizes are known, but are much less commonly seen.

The exact profile (angle of shoulder, height, exact dimensions of the groove channel)  can vary somewhat between examples made by different companies.

Wax sealer groove ring lip - wax would have been poured into the groove with a metal lid put in place to seal the jar.
Wax sealer groove ring lip – wax would have been poured into the groove with a metal lid put in place to seal the jar.



PRIMARY MARKING – (USUALLY ON BASE, SOMETIMES ON THE FACE OF THE JAR) ,  and attributed glass manufacturer:

A  ………………………..     Unknown (may be mold letter).

A.B.G.M.CO. ………….  Adolphus Busch Glass Mnfg Co, St. Louis, Missouri.

John Agnew & Son…………………………………………John Agnew & Son, Pittsburgh, PA.

John Agnew & Son, Pittsburgh PA ……………… John Agnew & Son, Pittsburgh, PA.

A.G.W.L. PITTS. PA. …………….. American Glass Works, Limited,  Pittsburgh, PA.

A.H.T.CO. PHILADA USA   ……………………………… Uncertain.

Air Tight Fruit Jar…………………………Ravenna Glass Works, Ravenna, Ohio.

B ……………………… May be mold letter; manufacturer unknown.

Ball  Standard ……………….  Ball Bros Glass Manufacturing Company,  Muncie, Indiana.

B. P. & Co. …………………… Beck, Philips & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

C …………………….. Uncertain (might be a mold letter).  In some cases, may possibly stand for Cunningham & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

C. CO.  2 MILW…………………….  Chase Valley Glass Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

C D E (stylized vertical arrangement of letters, on base) ………….. Unknown.

A. & D. H. Chambers / Union Fruit Jar / Pittsburgh, PA ……………..Alexander & David H Chambers, Pittsburgh, PA.

Compton & Batchelder, Cleveland, O. …………………….. Unknown.

Cunningham & Co. (or, Cunningham’s & Co.)  Pittsburgh PA ……………………Cunningham’s & Company, Pittsburgh PA.


C & I ……………………….. Cunningham’s and Ihmsen, Pittsburgh, PA.

Cunningham’s & Ihmsen, Pittsburgh, Pa Patd 1868 ………….Same as above.

Cunningham’s & Company, LIM ………………….Cunningham’s & Company Limited, Pittsburgh, PA.

Cutting & Co. / San Francisco ………………… Uncertain, but possibly Pacific Glass Works, San Francisco  (1862-1876).  It is also possible this jar was made during the earlier, short-lived operation of Baker & Cutting, a small glassworks in San Francisco in business circa 1859-1860.  Francis Cutting was one of the partners in Baker & Cutting, and also had some involvement in the formation of the Pacific Glass Works.

D (fancy gothic script) …………. Unknown.

D (fancy script, not as detailed as gothic) ……………..Unknown.

D ……………… Unknown (might be mold letter) .

D (and a triangle embossed on base) ………….Unknown.

Dictator (Wm McCully & Co.  embossed on base) ………………….Wm McCully & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Dictator // Patented D. I. Holcomb / Dec. 14TH 1869 ………… (Wm. McCully & Co. embossed on base)……………………. Same as above.

Dillon Glass Co.  Fairmount, IND. (base) ………………………Dillon Glass Company, Fairmount, Indiana.

Dillon G. Co. Fairmount, IND. (base) …………………..Same as above.

D with “J” inside  (base) …………………….. Unknown.

D. O. C. ……………………… D. [Dominick] O. Cunningham Glass Company, Pittsburgh , PA.

D. S. G. Co …………….. DeSteiger Glass Company, LaSalle, Illinois.

E 1 (also E 2; E 5 jars are known) ………………………. possibly Edward H. Everett Glass Company (Newark Star Glass Works), Newark, Ohio.

Eclipse, The (on front of jar) ……………Possibly made by LaBelle Glass Company, Bridgeport, Ohio.

Economy Sealer Pat’d Sept 15 1885 ……………… Prob. LaBelle Glass Company, Bridgeport, Ohio (1872-1888)

E.H.E. Co …………………………..Edward H. Everett (Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio).

E.H.E. Co (S. K. & Co. / star emblem on base)……………………..Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio. (Shields, King & Company proprietors at that time).

F.A. & CO. ………………  Fahnstock, Albree & Company, Pittsburgh PA.

Fahnstock, Albree & Co. Pitts PA ………………. Same as above.

F. B. Co .………………… Findlay Bottle Company, Findlay, Ohio.

F. C. G. CO. …………………….  Falls City Glass Company, Louisville, Kentucky (1884-1892).

F.H. (on base) …………………….Frederick Heitz Glass Works, St. Louis, MO (1883-1898).

Wax sealer fruit jar, marked with the initials "F. H." on the base. This jar was made by Frederick Heitz Glass Works of St. Louis, MO.
Wax sealer fruit jar, marked with the initials “F. H.” on the base. This jar was made by Frederick Heitz Glass Works of St. Louis, MO.


F.H. mark used by Frederick Heitz Glass Works, St. Louis. On base of wax sealer style fruit jar.
F.H. mark used by Frederick Heitz Glass Works, St. Louis, embossed on bottom of wax sealer style fruit jar.


F. H. G. W. …………………………………..Same as above.

C. L. Flaccus / Pittsburgh ………………………… C.L. Flaccus Glass Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Wm. Frank & Sons Pitts. ………………….. William Frank & Sons, Pittsburgh, PA.

G Co.  / X 1 ……………………………….  Unknown.

H (offset to one side of base…may be H & R variant …………………… possibly Greenfield Fruit & Bottle Company, Greenfield, Indiana.

H & R (stands for Hollweg & Reese) ………………….Greenfield Fruit & Bottle Company, Greenfield, Indiana.

H & L .……………Uncertain, possibly Hartell & Letchworth, Philadelphia,  PA.

C. K. HALLE & CO. No. 121 Water St – Cleveland O. ……………  Glassmaker unknown (Halle in business c. 1866-1870).

I (on front) // Letter “C” (on base)………………..  Unknown.

I G Co .…………………….Illinois Glass Company, Alton, Illinois.

C. Ihmsen & Son Pittsburgh, PA. …………………C. Ihmsen & Son, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mnf’d by Indpls. Glass Works, Indianapolis, IND. ………………… Indianapolis Glass Works, Indianapolis, Indiana.

K (on base) ……………….. Probably  Kearns & CO / Kearns,Herdman & Gorsuch, Zanesville, Ohio.


K.H. & G. Z. O. ………………………. Kearns, Herdman & Gorsuch, Zanesville, Ohio.

KY.G.W. …………………………………….Kentucky Glass Works Company, Louisville, Kentucky.

KY.G.W.CO. …………………………………Kentucky Glass Works Company, Louisville, Kentucky.

L. G. Co. ………………………….. Almost certainly Lindell Glass Company,  St. Louis, Missouri. See more on the L.G.Co markings on this page.

Lindell Glass Co. (base) ………………………….. Lindell Glass Company, St. Louis, Missouri.

L & W (cursive, on front) ………………. Lorenz and Wightman, Pittsburgh, PA.

MASTODON (front) ,   T. A. Evans  Pittsburgh, PA (embossed in a circle on base) ………………….. Thomas A. Evans / Mastodon Works, Pittsburgh, PA.

M C Co (may be intended as a “G”……… If not, possibly W. McCully & Company,   Pittsburgh, PA). See M G CO.

S. McKee & Co. Pitts. PA. …………….S.(Samuel) McKee & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

S. McKee & Co. ………………S.(Samuel) McKee & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

M.F.G.Co. …………………. probably Marion Flint Glass Company, Marion, Indiana.

M. F. J. CO. …………………….. Marion Fruit Jar & Bottle Company, Marion, Indiana.

M.G.CO. ………………………Mississippi Glass Company,  St. Louis, Missouri. See this page.

M. J. Co ……………………………Unknown.

MOSS B (on base)…………………. Unknown.

M & L // Mueller & Lindsay/Birmingham Glass Co Pitts PA ………………….Birmingham Flint Glass Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mutual Glass Co. PITT. …………………Mutual Glass Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

N (within star, on base) ……………………Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio.

N (next to star, on base) ……………………Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio.

NO. 1 (on front) ………………. perhaps Union Flint Glass Works, Pittsburgh, PA.

O (on base) ……………………….Unknown.

OGCo (monogram on base) …………………….probably Ottawa Glass Company, Ottawa, Illinois. Formerly attributed to Olean Glass Company, Olean, New York, but I think Ottawa may be the correct factory source for this mark.

No. 2 Ohio / Made by Ohio Fruit Jar Company.………………… Ohio Fruit Jar Company (may be distributor, not glass company), Upper Sandusky, Ohio.

Patent Applied For / S. K. & Co./ N within a star………………… Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio (Shields,King & CO).

Patent SEPT. 18. 1860 ……………..Hemingray Glass Company, Covington, KY.

The Penn // Beck Phillips & CO. Pitts, PA…………. Beck, Phillips & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

The Pet // Beck Phillips & CO. Pitts, PA. …………..Beck, Phillips & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Pioneer (0n base, with either ‘1’ or ‘2’ mold number) ……………..possibly Pioneer Glass Works, Birmingham, AL (c.1888-1889).

Port (on base) ………………..Port Glass Company, Muncie, Indiana.

Potter & Bodine’s Air-Tight Fruit Jar Philada ………………. Potter & Bodine (Bridgeton Glass Works, Bridgeton, NJ) (pontil scarred).

Putnam Glass Works, Zanesville, O. …………………..Putnam Flint Glass Works, Zanesville, Ohio (1852-1871).

Rau’s Improved Groove Ring Jar – Pat applied for ……………………..Fairmount Glass Company, Fairmount, IN.

Reynold’s Steen & CO. (around shoulder)……………………. Unknown.

R G W 1857 (incised on base, not embossed) ………………. probably Ravenna Glass Works, Ravenna, Ohio.

S ………………….. Unknown (could be mold letter).

San Francisco Glass Works ………………………..San Francisco Glass Works, San Francisco, CA (1865-1876).

M. Seller & CO. / Portland, O. …………………………Possibly San Francisco & Pacific Glass Works, San Francisco, California (1876-c.1901).

S. G. C0. ………………….. probably Southern Glass Company/Works, Louisville, Kentucky (1877-c.1885).

S.G.W. LOU. KY. …………………..Southern Glass Works, Louisville, Kentucky (1877-c.1885).

S.K. & CO. (on base, star in center) ………………….Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, OH. Shield, King & CO were owners at that time.

J. P. Smith Son & CO, Pittsburgh ………………..J.P. Smith Son & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

SOU G W ……………………Southern Glass Works, Louisville, KY (1877-c.1885).

Standard // Indianapolis Glass Works IND. (on base) …………………Indianapolis Glass Works, Indianapolis, Indiana (1869-1877).

Standard // W. McC & Co. ………………….William McCully & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Standard // Wm. McCully & Co …………………….William McCully & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Standard // W. McCully & Co. …………………………William McCully & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Standard // W. Mc C ………………………..William McCully & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Star (large star emblem on base)…………… Uncertain – Alice Creswick states possibly Sydenham Glass Works, Wallaceburg, Ontario.

Star Glass Co. / New Albany, Ind. …………………Star Glass Company, New Albany, IN (1869-c.1880).

Stevens Tin Top / Patd July 27, 1875 ……………………….Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, OH.

A. Stone & Co. Philada  [A. Stone was jobber, not glass manufacturer]…………………… Cunninghams & CO, Cunningham & Ihmsen, Pittsburgh, PA.

Tempered / Mo. G. Co. ……………………….Missouri Glass Company, St. Louis, Missouri.

U. G. Co. ………………………..Union Glass Company, Philadelphia, PA.


Union (on front) // L & C (on base) ……………………………. James B. Lyon & Co., Union Flint Glass Works, Pittsburgh, PA.

Union NO 1 ………………..Union Flint Glass Works, Pittsburgh, PA , or Beaver Falls Glass Company, Beaver Falls, PA.

Union No 3 // Beaver Falls Glass Co / Beaver Falls Pa.………………….. Beaver Falls Glass Co, Beaver Falls, PA.

U S / Patented May 12 1863 ………………………..E. Wormser Glass Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

W (on front, cursive script)  ……………..some jars were formerly “L & W”, and the L was removed from the mold………………..probably Thomas Wightman & Co, Pittsburgh, PA.

W (on base)………………………………….Uncertain, possibly Thomas Wightman & Co, Pittsburgh, PA.

W & Co. (base)……………………………..probably Thomas Wightman & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

W. & Co. Pittsburgh (on base)………………………. Thomas Wightman & Company, Pittsburgh, PA.

Western Pride / Patented June 22, 1875 ……………………Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio.

Weyman’s Copenhagen Trademark Snuff ……………..Unknown.

W. G. & Co. ………………………Unknown.

W. G. Co. ……………………..Uncertain, possibly Wisconsin Glass Company, Milwaukee.

W. W. V. A. S. F. & Co. (in circle around base) ………………………possibly Frank Glass Co, Wellsburg, WV.

2, 3, 4 or other number (small, plain embossing) ………..Uncertain, could be production from any of a number of glass companies.

2, 3, 4, etc (Very large, bold, ornate number) …………………….Hemingray Glass Company, Covington, KY.

2 Large X’s ………………………Unknown maker.

Design something like Tic-Tac-Toe ……………………Unknown maker.

Two parallel lines, rather widely separated on base. ………………….Unknown.

Square with six dots within it…………………….. Unknown.

Very large “X” or “+ sign, lines extending to edge of base …………………Unknown.

Diamond mark ……………………Unknown.

3 dots ……………………..Unknown.

Five dots – arranged like on a domino……………… Unknown.

Triangle.……………………… Unknown.

I – I …………………………..Unknown.

Double-lined cross (something like Maltese cross) …………….Unknown.

Unmarked (found in many different shades of color) …………………….Unknown.

Skull and crossbones on front ……………………Unknown (one jar reported).

Unmarked (Hinge-mold type seam across base) ……………..Unknown.

Unmarked (Iron pontil mark on base, “fatter” jar) ……………….. Unknown.

Unmarked (Slightly recessed square panel on front) ………………..Unknown.

For an extensive list of glass manufacturers’ marks found on bottles, fruit jars, electrical insulators, tableware and other glass items, please click here which takes you to the Glass Bottle Marks  pages ~ page one.
Please Click here to go to my site  Home Page.
For information on another type of fruit jar, click here to see the page on the extremely popular  BALL PERFECT MASON.

“MASON’S PATENT NOV 30TH 1858” type Fruit Jars – Summary & Overview 

 Ball Bros. Glass Manufacturing Company, Muncie, Indiana 


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